20+ People Share Pictures Of The Most Unsettling And Disturbing Things They Found After Moving Into A New Home

Sometimes the things left behind by previous tenants or homeowners are downright creepy and unsettling- these are those things.

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20+ People Share Pictures Of The Most Unsettling And Disturbing Things They Found After Moving Into A New Home

Moving into a new place brings all kinds of excitement and uncertainty as you settle into your new digs and get used to your surroundings. The first few nights sleeping in a new home can seem daunting as you get used to new sounds, smells, and uncover old secrets from years and people long gone.

Sometimes the things left behind by previous tenants or homeowners are obvious and hard to ignore, like a toilet seat featuring razor blades or a super creepy doll left in a closet. Other things are a little less obvious and only reveal themselves when people begin home renovations, deep cleaning, or some yard work.

Some people have found secret doorways leading to hidden rooms behind the walls and mirrors in their homes. Imagine finding a hidden extension to your home that you didn't know existed?!

People have been unsettled to find cursed-looking toys left in attics, crawl spaces, and the closets of their homes. Creepy dolls seem to be more common than you would think in old houses and they always seem to be exceptionally vintage and dirty instead of adorable.

This collection of images comes from people who got more than they bargained for when they moved into their new homes and found something rather unsettling.

1. This family bought a new home and were shocked to find a secret room hidden under the stairs

1. This family bought a new home and were shocked to find a secret room hidden under the stairsPerspicuum

2. A contractor purchased an abandoned foreclosed house and got to work renovating when he encountered this horror in the basement

2. A contractor purchased an abandoned foreclosed house and got to work renovating when he encountered this horror in the basementspwhalenjr13

3. This creepy monkey was in the attic

3. This creepy monkey was in the atticmostly_grapes

4. This person found an entire hidden room with super creepy random things inside

4. This person found an entire hidden room with super creepy random things insidelmbrjack

5. The previous tenant left this mirror behind and it was actually a creepy camera set up

5. The previous tenant left this mirror behind and it was actually a creepy camera set upscratchamaballs

6. Who did this?!

6. Who did this?!missjellinsky

7. This house from 1913 was getting a patio renovation when the new homeowners found these tags along with some scattered bones

7. This house from 1913 was getting a patio renovation when the new homeowners found these tags along with some scattered boneskacheda44

8. Someone moved into a new apartment and found this mysterious SIM card taped to the wall

8. Someone moved into a new apartment and found this mysterious SIM card taped to the wall OiMooi

9. The ex-homeowner died in this house and the new homeowner knows exactly where

9. The ex-homeowner died in this house and the new homeowner knows exactly whereOPwillownyou

10. This oddly suspect room in an attic

10. This oddly suspect room in an atticNukeStorm

11. A vintage-looking pram in the attic

11. A vintage-looking pram in the atticjkmayne

12. Parents moved into a new house and found this on the ceiling

12. Parents moved into a new house and found this on the ceiling taymhaston

13. This thing was in the basement at an estate sale

13. This thing was in the basement at an estate salesocksandpants

14. Someone found this bunker in their new back yard

14. Someone found this bunker in their new back yard den_of_thieves

15. This 100% spooky doll found in a crawl space

15. This 100% spooky doll found in a crawl spaceCarolOHYEAH

16. This razoe blade toilet seat

16. This razoe blade toilet seatbigworn

17. Someone found out there was a bunker under their home and stuck their phone down to snap this truly shocking photo

17. Someone found out there was a bunker under their home and stuck their phone down to snap this truly shocking photoColombianthunder

18. A NYC woman felt a mysterious air flow coming from behind her bathroom mirror and ended up finding an entire hidden apartment behind her bathroom wall

18. A NYC woman felt a mysterious air flow coming from behind her bathroom mirror and ended up finding an entire hidden apartment behind her bathroom wallsamanthartsoe

19. Finding 37 clowns under the front porch might be a good enough reason to move again

19. Finding 37 clowns under the front porch might be a good enough reason to move againSirAntoniusBlock

20. This apartment has a door in the floor that leads to a secret dungeon with proper 19th century layout of hatches and corridors

20. This apartment has a door in the floor that leads to a secret dungeon with proper 19th century layout of hatches and corridorsdemc7

21. This odd "WIFE" tombstone in someone's backyard

21. This odd Borovy3488

22. This eerie toy was hanging in the closet in the home these people had just bought

22. This eerie toy was hanging in the closet in the home these people had just boughtAlcosaurusRex

23. The previous homeowners left this behind the curtains to prank the new owners and it worked

23. The previous homeowners left this behind the curtains to prank the new owners and it workedfunkytowne1

24. This is not reassuring to find in your new apartment

24. This is not reassuring to find in your new apartmentTommy27

25. Someone discovered a "knife room" in their new house

25. Someone discovered a Zer0323

26. A closet full of doll cut outs is creepy enough on its own but why the scratched out demon doll?!

26. A closet full of doll cut outs is creepy enough on its own but why the scratched out demon doll?!WonderLemming

27. These people found a peephole in the bathroom they were renovating

27. These people found a peephole in the bathroom they were renovating kitsaheartsgrievous

28. This insane X-Ray was found in an old box in someone's new home

28. This insane X-Ray was found in an old box in someone's new homeGood_Apolllo

29. A man found a staircase to a hidden room in his house that was stocked full with tons of ammunition, guns, and grenades

29. A man found a staircase to a hidden room in his house that was stocked full with tons of ammunition, guns, and grenadesJerryTheCunt

30. This person moved into a house and found this envelope titled "Dads 2 Sharp Teeth + Photo" and the horrifying fangs were actually in the envelope

30. This person moved into a house and found this envelope titled mrmartyr

31. Everything is bigger in Texas, including this monstrosity of a spider someone found in their new Texas home

31. Everything is bigger in Texas, including this monstrosity of a spider someone found in their new Texas homecrimson_irises713

32. Someone found these adult teeth in the freezer of the home they had just moved into, why are people keeping their teeth?!

32. Someone found these adult teeth in the freezer of the home they had just moved into, why are people keeping their teeth?!DimmuBorgir666

33. This mysterious door was found in the basement by a new homeowner, the post says it's "sealed tight" from the outside

33. This mysterious door was found in the basement by a new homeowner, the post says it's Brett_Kelman

34. This weird dungeon cave space in the backyard of a rental property

34. This weird dungeon cave space in the backyard of a rental propertyCreativelyBankrupt

35. This sculpture someone found in the shed on the property they were moving to

35. This sculpture someone found in the shed on the property they were moving tocouuch

36. This vintage looking bottle with a duct tape "poison" label that someone found in their basement

36. This vintage looking bottle with a duct tape Kuznetzov

37. This horror-esque picture found in the attic of someone's vacation home

37. This horror-esque picture found in the attic of someone's vacation homeAceFloresX

38. The previous homeowners blocked this basement door off with a giant book shelf

38. The previous homeowners blocked this basement door off with a giant book shelf BlurghUsername

39. Someone found this in the yard of home they were renting over the summer

39. Someone found this in the yard of home they were renting over the summercryptofrog

40. A woman found an eerie hidden room behind a shelf that had old dolls in it

40. A woman found an eerie hidden room behind a shelf that had old dolls in itrooney8900

41. This man was moving into his new office when he discovered a trap door that led to a hideaway that was filled with old blueprints and paperwork

41. This man was moving into his new office when he discovered a trap door that led to a hideaway that was filled with old blueprints and paperworkLumarous

Always look for secrets in new (old) homes!

The next time you're gearing up to move homes prepare for the fact that you could encounter some super weird (and sometimes creepy) things left behind by the previous homeowners. A thorough walk-through before signing any papers is always a good idea, you never know what house might be hiding a secret bunker beneath the staircase!
