Redditor Wants To Dispose Of Her Roommate’s Terrible Dog Fence Without Her Knowing And Throws It Into Neighbor’s Can, Triggers A Series Of Vengeful Acts Against Them

"I found it kind of creepy and oddly vengeful for our neighbor to return it to our yard"

Redditor Wants To Dispose Of Her Roommate’s Terrible Dog Fence Without Her Knowing And Throws It Into Neighbor’s Can, Triggers A Series Of Vengeful Acts Against Them

While traveling through a highway, we notice piles of trash laying alongside the road. Typically, the trash piles are left exposed to the elements and the outside world.

Rarely do these have a scant covering, which frequently draws pests or animals. These dumps are occasionally burned outside, which can generate harmful smoke and fumes.

Additionally, there have been situations where enough heat was produced to start spontaneous combustion. In some cases, garbage is improperly disposed of in rivers, canals, or used to fill soil depressions.

Therefore, suitable waste disposal techniques should be used to avoid such situations. The OP in today's story chose to dispose of trash in a neighbor's can, but the trash made its way back to her.

You see, one of the OP's roommates put up this ugly orange construction fencing in their backyard for her dog. The landlord came by and commented that he didn't like it, and the lawn guy might not mow their lawn with it up.

So the OP decided to take it down and told her roommate that the landlord was responsible. She trashed it in a neighbor's can a few houses down to avoid the possibility of her roommate discovering it, but the trash was waiting for her on their front lawn the next morning.

Keep scrolling to read the entire story in full. 

The OP writes

The OP writes[deleted]

The OP lives in a house with three roommates

The OP lives in a house with three roommates[deleted]

The OP awoke to the orange fencing smack dab in the middle of their front lawn

The OP awoke to the orange fencing smack dab in the middle of their front lawn[deleted]

They got a notice and a fine from the city for having it out there

They got a notice and a fine from the city for having it out there[deleted]

The OP believes that the neighbor who's can she put the fencing in, is the likely culprit

The OP believes that the neighbor who's can she put the fencing in, is the likely culprit[deleted]

Here are a bunch of comments from redditors in response to the reddit thread

Here are a bunch of comments from redditors in response to the reddit threadReddit

This Redditor suggests getting cameras as well

This Redditor suggests getting cameras as wellReddit

According to this Redditor...

According to this Redditor...Reddit

People have a bill for garbage services

People have a bill for garbage servicesReddit

Use cameras to find out the culprit

Use cameras to find out the culpritReddit

You chose the wrong neighbor's can

You chose the wrong neighbor's canReddit

You took the matter in your hands

You took the matter in your handsReddit

Putting trash in other people's bin puts the home owner at risk

Putting trash in other people's bin puts the home owner at riskReddit

This Redditor needed more info and the OP supplied the answers

This Redditor needed more info and the OP supplied the answersReddit

It's rude to put your trash in other people's cans

It's rude to put your trash in other people's cansReddit

What does it matter what goes into it?

What does it matter what goes into it?Reddit

This Redditor lists why the OP is at fault

This Redditor lists why the OP is at faultReddit

The OP agrees that the matter is indeed complicated

The OP agrees that the matter is indeed complicatedReddit

This Redditor advices the OP to use this as an important lesson

This Redditor advices the OP to use this as an important lessonReddit

You have strange neighbors

You have strange neighborsReddit

You took something that didn't belong to you

You took something that didn't belong to youReddit

There are a couple of frat houses on the streets

There are a couple of frat houses on the streetsReddit

Whoever is doing that is unhinged

Whoever is doing that is unhingedReddit

Get your camera or ring device

Get your camera or ring deviceReddit

The long-term effects of disposing of trash wrongly can result in several issues. These can include leaching harmful substances into subsurface water sources and the deterioration of soil quality, amongst other things.

Redditors declared the OP the AH in this story, but what about you? Drop your opinions on what you think about this story in the comments section below.
