Model Sews Her Own Incredible Disney CosPlay Outfits

CosPlay is no longer just for people reenacting the American Civil War

  • Published in Disney
Model Sews Her Own Incredible Disney CosPlay Outfits

CosPlay used to be one of those kind of super random, strange, and almost 'weird' pass times reserved for those reenacting the Civil War or 'Larping'. It certainly wasn't mainstream, and for most of us, the only time we ever wore a costume was for Halloween - that was it.

In recent years, however, with the rise of Instagram, CosPlayers have actually become kind of, well... famous! That's right, there are famous CosPlayers with THOUSANDS of followers who pretty much make it their job to create and wear incredible outfits based on movies, books and television.

Kennedy Paige, a UK model and CosPlayer is one of these people. She is a self-described 'sewing addict' and creates the most incredible CosPlay looks you will ever see.

We have compiled some of our favourites below but you can check out her full catalogue of looks here on her Instagram.

1. Ariel side by side

2. Alice

3. A revved up Harley Quinn

4. Harley Quinn

5. An awesome Rapunzel shoot

6. Rapunzel

7. As an ethereal Elsa

8. Alice being a bunny

9. More Merida

10. Ariel in the wild

11. Belle

12. Merida

13. Elsa and the Nokk

14. Rapunzel side by side

15. A sun-kissed Elsa
