53 Disney Jokes That Are So Funny, Your Stomach Will Hurt From Laughing Hard

If we can't get enough of the movies, let's get entertained by jokes too.

  • Published in Disney
53 Disney Jokes That Are So Funny, Your Stomach Will Hurt From Laughing Hard

Disney will always be our happy place. No matter how old we get, we'll always look back at the fun and magic of its movies and its theme parks.

Each film is so pure, you'll always feel love and kindness. Kids love to watch them.

And adults consider them stress relievers after a long and busy week. When we watch these films as adults, it's like taking a vacation to a magical world that doesn't require you to leave home or spend tons of money.

Because let's face it. We live in a stressful world where we have to deal with paying the bills and problems at work.

Popping in a Disney is such a great escape from all of these. Disney is a place where that allows us to temporarily leave behind our troubles and worries to get our well-deserved enjoyment.

So if you're looking for other ways to appreciate these classics while you're on the internet, why not read up some Disney jokes to brighten up your day?

We've compiled some of the funniest jokes shared by fans across different platforms. From ones that hit home because we're #adulting to jokes we can share with children, each one is guaranteed to give you a good belly laugh.

1. You just lose patience, you turn into a Jurassic creature.

1. You just lose patience, you turn into a Jurassic creature.@dinodeitydrseeker

2. We're pretty sure you can relate.

2. We're pretty sure you can relate.@thebibbidibobbidiblog

3. Yep, it's not just you.

3. Yep, it's not just you.quirkyfox_

4. The wait seems to take forever.

4. The wait seems to take forever.@elias824

5. Do you do this everytime?

5. Do you do this everytime?@epcotcentergal

6. How unfortunate.

6. How unfortunate.@jawbreakerldn

7. You'll find yourself saying "Take my money! Take it all!"

7. You'll find yourself saying @disneyfoodblog

8. Would it work?

8. Would it work?@irispaige

9. What you'd rather do

9. What you'd rather do@robins-treasure

10. Nooo!!!

10. Nooo!!!@luciousfox

11. The truth about us before Zoom meetings.

11. The truth about us before Zoom meetings.@merida.princesss

12. It's social media that woke her up.

12. It's social media that woke her up.@lobotomizedskull

13. The best gift for every Disney fan

13. The best gift for every Disney fan@disneyfoodblog

14. He's probably not the only one.

14. He's probably not the only one.@dannyboyharvey

15. The quarantine made us look back at the good stuff.

15. The quarantine made us look back at the good stuff.@disneydailyyt

16. Good luck to the husband.

16. Good luck to the husband.@XplodingUnicorn

17. Yep, it's for the millennials, not for the kiddos!

17. Yep, it's for the millennials, not for the kiddos!@lobotomizedskull

18. When the power's out, perhaps a healing incantation can help.

18. When the power's out, perhaps a healing incantation can help.@ahhnna

19. Was it the same for you?

19. Was it the same for you?@madeformarvell

20. Poor Snow White.

20. Poor Snow White.@justdrinktea

21. That Sebastian face swap right there is scary!

21. That Sebastian face swap right there is scary!@fishslappingdance

22. Do it this way when you're not feeling it.

22. Do it this way when you're not feeling it.@giveemthatdisney-blog

23. The reason why Anna and Elsa never learned the entire alphabet.

24. Flurry!

24. Flurry!@dangerghost20

25. Heed his every order!

25. Heed his every order!@just-another-ordinary-hannah

26. So accurate.

26. So accurate.@elizabethxolsen

27. Unimpressed

27. Unimpressed@fogpowers

28. Gaston? Thank u, next.

28. Gaston? Thank u, next.@animooguls

29. Toys or trash?

29. Toys or trash?@theonlybandthatmatters

30. When bad things happen

30. When bad things happen@elizabethxolsen

31. Of course you won't!

31. Of course you won't!@onlydisneymemes

32. Every The Little Mermaid fan can answer this.

32. Every The Little Mermaid fan can answer this.@lobotomizedskull

33. Expectation vs. Reality

34. Cheshire cat is such a mood.

35. When will it end?

35. When will it end?@supergerk

36. Belle's completely fine with the setup.

36. Belle's completely fine with the setup.@chipandco

37. Spoiler!

38. This mother knows quarantining best.

38. This mother knows quarantining best.@avitha

39. The cold can bother us after all!

39. The cold can bother us after all!@thesnowqueenxx

40. They lived happily ever after.

40. They lived happily ever after.@jessicarabbit

41. That's how long we're willing to wait.

41. That's how long we're willing to wait.@mattxint

42. How Disney disappointed us.

42. How Disney disappointed us.@Carbosly

43. We're all wiling to wait forever.

43. We're all wiling to wait forever.@thedisneydadfun

44. The feels we get on every Toy Story movie

44. The feels we get on every Toy Story movie@whittymemegurl

45. Uh oh!

45. Uh oh!@merida.princesss

46. The reason we're excited about opening the fridge

46. The reason we're excited about opening the fridge@mdvrebekah

47. Indeed!

47. Indeed!@disneyfoodblog

48. Who's guilty? Everyone!

48. Who's guilty? Everyone!@disneydailyyt

49. It's always exciting even after the nth time!

49. It's always exciting even after the nth time!@onceupon_a_trip

50. What we miss

50. What we miss@___maariaa___

51. We'd rather wait.

51. We'd rather wait.@brookegmcdonald

52. Do the savings exist in the first place?

52. Do the savings exist in the first place?@chipandco

53. From the World where dreams come true

53. From the World where dreams come true@disneyfoodblog

Thanks to the internet, we have many different ways of getting our Disney fix. For example, if you don't have time to watch a Disney movie and you're just killing some time, then spend it on reading these hilarious Disney-inspired jokes.

And don't just keep all the fun to yourself. Share this with your family and friends who love Disney too!
