11 Disney Characters Weren't As Wholesome As You Might Recall

We still love them, though!

  • Published in Disney
11 Disney Characters Weren't As Wholesome As You Might Recall

We are living in such a stressful world that even as adults, we still enjoy Disney and its characters to escape the things we have to deal with every day. When we watch a Disney movie, all the frustrations we feel seem to melt down.

Growing up with these movies is such an amazing thing as it brings back a lot of dear memories. You probably have even played make-believe when you were a child, taking the role of the Disney princess you love.

We will probably never get tired of the entertainment that Disney brings. Even if we grow old, we'll pop in the movie and enjoy every second of it.

When we watch Disney movies, it's like strolling down memory lane and bringing back our childhood. Just being able to look back brings nostalgia and overwhelming joy.

Disney makes us happy. And this is fact will never change.

The characters are among the most noblest and selfless ones in silver screen history. But with all the happiness they brought us, it seems that we may have overlooked what these characters did.

Are they the great characters they seem to be? Today, we have compiled 11 Disney characters that are the worst when you consider what they've done in the story.

1. That's very unfair of Genie.

What about Abu? He's with Aladdin since the beginning.

1. That's very unfair of Genie.Disney

2. Just why Bambi?

2. Just why Bambi?Disney

3. Prince Charming. Tsk Tsk Tsk!

How could he not recognize the girl he had been dancing all night with? It makes you wonder.

3. Prince Charming. Tsk Tsk Tsk!Disney

4. Prince Eric dumping Ariel

4. Prince Eric dumping ArielDisney

5. Ariel wanted to escape from the sea, but where was her first date?

5. Ariel wanted to escape from the sea, but where was her first date?Disney

6. What Belle wanted in the beginning and the situation she ended up in.

Belle wanted to go beyond what the provincial life offers. But now, she'll be stuck in a castle just outside her town.

6. What Belle wanted in the beginning and the situation she ended up in.Disney

7. Elsa giving the same job to her sister's boyfriend. Ice harvester before, ice harvester still.

7. Elsa giving the same job to her sister's boyfriend. Ice harvester before, ice harvester still.Disney

8. Woody preparing for the future.

8. Woody preparing for the future.Disney/Pixar

9. Think about it. Would a kid let a stranger in their home? Not cool lady, not cool!

We were taught as kids to not talk to strangers. We're pretty sure Beast was taught the same thing.

9. Think about it. Would a kid let a stranger in their home? Not cool lady, not cool!Disney

10. Simba, the runaway king.

10. Simba, the runaway king.Disney

11. The sultan's changing preferences.

It's a happy ending. So we guess it's okay?

11. The sultan's changing preferences.Disney

Despite all these, we will always love our Disney characters.

Our beloved protagonists always start with good intentions. While they stumbled and fell in their tales, we will always admire their strength and virtues.

Every Disney character was written with depth. And that's probably why we can relate to them, even if we've already grown into adults.

With all those interesting characters and happy endings, we can't help but look back by watching the movies even as adults. It's almost like magic.

And you know what's amazing? It's hard to name your favorites.

The movies are so good, and the characters are so interesting. That's why when asked which one's your favorite, it can be difficult to answer.

Disney and its characters will always be our happy place. We will always enjoy it no matter how old we become.
