Disney Characters Depicted As Dogs Is Surprisingly Accurate And Adorable

Never underestimate the creativity of an artist who loves Disney.

  • Published in Disney
Disney Characters Depicted As Dogs Is Surprisingly Accurate And Adorable

There are many unique ways to depict Disney characters, and it's entirely pawsible you never expected to see them as dogs. However, freelance illustrator, LOTR and Disney fan, Jocelyn Combe has made it happen nonetheless.

Known online as Sapphire Creations or SapphireGamgee, Combe has an impressive gallery of commissioned creations. Her artistic skills are exemplary. "Jocelyn currently juggles several art-related jobs online and in the greater L.A. area" and hopes to someday earn enough with her commissions to have a giant, inflatable dragon and a yard to put it in.

In this interesting series, she recreated Disney princesses as dogs, and each dog breed seems to have been chosen meticulously and intentionally. At least, it's hard not to understand the relationship between each Disney character and the dog breed chosen.

As Disney fanatics, you have the final say. Do you think the Disney princesses chosen are best represented of these dog breeds, or would you choose otherwise?

1. Jasmine - Afghan Hound

From Disney's Aladdin, Princess Jasmine is seen here as an Afghan Hound. Afghan Hounds are "strong-willed and independent, aloof and self-confident." However, this peculiar dog has also been described as "fiercely brave but possibly timid, flighty but sometimes quiet and lazy, dignified but clownish."

1. Jasmine - Afghan HoundSapphireGamgee

2. Megara - Bedlington Terrier

Megara is the heroine in Disney's Hercules, and she's depicted as a Bedlington Terrier. This dog is "alert, energetic, and intelligent," but they "can be aggressive toward other dogs of the same sex and will chase small furry animals."

2. Megara - Bedlington TerrierSapphireGamgee

3. Belle - Collie

Belle is the beloved princess from Disney's Beauty and the Beast. She is represented by the dog breed Collie, which "are sensitive and intelligent dogs, known for undying loyalty and the amazing ability to foresee their owners' needs."

3. Belle - CollieSapphireGamgee

4. Princess Aurora - Irish Setter

From Disney's classic, Sleeping Beauty, Princess Aurora is depicted as an Irish Setter. Irish Setters are "friendly, mischievous, and inquisitive, with high energy levels," but they require a good night's sleep.

4. Princess Aurora - Irish SetterSapphireGamgee

5. Pocahontas - Saarloos Wolfhound

Disney's Pocahontas is represented by a Saarloos Wolfhound. Saarloos Wolfhounds are known for being "energetic and curious, happy to explore new territory" outside.

5. Pocahontas - Saarloos WolfhoundSapphireGamgee

6. Kida - Komondor

Kida is the Princess from Disney's Atlantis, she is depicted as a Komondor. Komodors are "intelligent, independent, and fiercely protective, willing to rise to the challenge of defending home and family."

6. Kida - KomondorSapphireGamgee

7. Ariel - Poodle

Disney's The Little Mermaid features Princess Ariel, one of Disney's most popular princesses. She is depicted as a poodle. Poodles "are lively, active, fun-loving dogs with a sense of the ridiculous" but also, Poodles "thrive on attention and can develop bad habits."

7. Ariel - PoodleSapphireGamgee

8. Mulan - Lowchen

Disney's original warrior princess, Mulan, is depicted as a Lowchen. Lowchens are even-tempered, "lively and active, affectionate and gentle." They're also fearless!

8. Mulan - LowchenSapphireGamgee

9. Esmeralda - Irish Water Spaniel

From Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Esmerelda is depicted as an Irish Water Spaniel. Irish Water Spaniels are "alert and inquisitive" dogs.

9. Esmeralda - Irish Water SpanielSapphireGamgee

10. Jane - Fox Terrier

Jane from Disney's Tarzan is represented by the Fox Terrier dog breed. Fox Terriers are known to be "scrappy and fearless with other animals."

10. Jane - Fox TerrierSapphireGamgee