35 Things People Consider Disgusting That Everyone Else Seems To Like
We'll just agree that everyone has different tastes.

When it comes to matters of taste, we can all agree that there is no right or wrong. We all have the right to choose what we like best and what we think is best for us, right?
However, of course, there will always be sides to everything since a majority of people would flock to one opinion or another. Whether it's about a dish, a game, a TV show, a movie, a celebrity, or any other thing in the world, people will have opinions about it.
Some will agree, some will go against it, and others will frankly not care at all. Take for instance things that are considered disgusting.
We, as a society, have a collective definition of disgusting. It's the things that are dirty, smelly, and generally things we won't dare touch.
However, each person will also have their own definition of the word and what they consider such. But not everyone will agree, of course.
Having this in mind, Reddit user @blackismyfavcolorlol asked others "What's that one disgusting thing that everybody except you seems to like?" and the post was flooded with thousands of answers of things Reddit users can't tolerate that others find funny, delicious, or at least interesting. Here are some of the best answers.
1. To be fair, a lot of people don't watch them because they're role models or they put out great content

2. The mom who popularized them also says she regrets them now

3. People will do drastic things for their looks

4. It can be funny to the people watching but does it really feel good for the person whose face is being smashed into the cake they actually wanted to eat?

5. Some find it unhygienic while others find it stylish

6. It doesn't appeal to all people, okay?

7. Some people just love watching that kind of drama we guess even though it doesn't really contribute anything

8. There are some decent and interesting people out there but there are also some real asshats

9. We don't think anybody appreciates that except for the people who do it

10. This one is just sad

11. No, it doesn't make you look cool and yes, it's not good for your lungs

12. It's cringy until you learn how to control the content that goes into your feed then it's pretty bomb

13. Vomitting is just gross

14. Those kids don't even know how to spell their own names and they already have Facebook? Really?

15. Dogs lick almost everything in sight so no

16. It's shocking how this guy got away with so many of the things he did

17. Nothing about that kind of picture is cute

18. Exactly! Nobody wants to unhinge their jaws to get a bite even though it does look great

19. You can take a photo for memory but you don't always have to broadcast it to the world through social media

20. Some find those videos extremely satisfying for some reason

21. It's astounding how much attention people pay complete strangers to their lives

22. There is nothing romantic about abuse. NOTHING.

23. What in the world? Deep fried mayo? Why? Just Why?

24. Depends on what kind of ASMR though

25. There's such a thing as too much even with food

26. It's definitely an acquired taste

27. Not everyone fancies losing control of their actions and having a bad hangover the next day

28. They suck the life out of the games

29. This is absolutely annoying because it makes you feel like the bad guy

30. You just have to learn to cook it the right way to make it tolerable

31. Not everyone is fond of people stuffing their faces to the brim just for the views

32. It's the snotty texture that gets a lot of people

33. They're great for only some specific things

34. It tastes like bitterness incarnate

35. It's a drink that doesn't always serve to everyone's pleasure

Everything truly depends on the taste of people. While some people love these things we've listed, there are also people who would definitely feel better if they weren't in the world at all.
Since they're all here, however, what we can do best is respect each other's decisions and not create silly wars over them. We'll keep liking what we like and we'll be disliking what we dislike until we change our minds.
Do you have anything to add to the list?