Angry Commuter Throws Fit, Demanding Blind Woman’s Guide Dog Be Ejected From Bus For Being Black

Black labs matter!

Angry Commuter Throws Fit, Demanding Blind Woman’s Guide Dog Be Ejected From Bus For Being Black

The world can be a crazy place, so it’s not unusual for a stroll down the street—or a simple bus ride for that matter—to turn into a chaotic encounter.

A user shared one of such stories on a popular subreddit. Apparently, a blind 22-year-old, Megan Taylor, hopped on a bus with her furry sidekick, Rowley, to get to another part of town—easy peasy, right? Not so fast.

The journey quickly spun into the showdown of a lifetime when a random passenger stormed the aisles, yelling for Megan to get her ‘f****ing dog’ off the bus. 

When Megan explained it was her assistance dog, the woman slammed her with the most bizarre accusation ever. The dog couldn’t possibly be one because—wait for it—guide dogs were always yellow labradors, and Rowley was black! Who knew canine credentials now came with a color chart?

Can we all take a moment to imagine Megan’s shock at this precise moment? How was a visually impaired person expected to know the color of their dog anyway? Utterly ridiculous.

The incident sparked a wildfire on Reddit, as they hastily swooped to Megan’s rescue while labeling the misguided accuser the ultimate 'Karen.' The witty retorts were steady flying, and some even labeled the accuser a ‘dog racist’—pretty accurate if you ask me.

But beyond the laughs, this incident peeled back the layers of a darker issue: "Black Dog Syndrome." No, it's not some canine-exclusive fashion trend; it's a serious problem affecting the adoption rates of black dogs. 

It seems our 'Karen' wasn’t just a random canine color critic; she was a full-fledged subscriber to the Black Dog Syndrome newsletter.

The story in detail

The story in

This woman is adamant that Guide Dogs can never be black.

This woman is adamant that Guide Dogs can never be

This would have been a wicked comeback

This would have been a wicked

It doesn’t matter if it’s a service dog or not, dogs are allowed on buses in the UK

It doesn’t matter if it’s a service dog or not, dogs are allowed on buses in the

Black labs matter

Black labs

“It seems in the past five years, people have become REALLY excited about showing everyone how stupid they are.”

“It seems in the past five years, people have become REALLY excited about showing everyone how stupid they are.”

“I would have had the complaining party leave. What a jerk.”

“I would have had the complaining party leave. What a jerk.”

“As ridiculous as it might sound, black cats and dogs are absolutely discriminated against.”

“As ridiculous as it might sound, black cats and dogs are absolutely discriminated against.”

“Black labs are commonly thought of as the smartest color of labs, mostly due to how they put food before everything else.”

“Black labs are commonly thought of as the smartest color of labs, mostly due to how they put food before everything else.”

“Guide Dogs for the Blind are not only Black and Yellow labs but also Golden Retrievers.”

“Guide Dogs for the Blind are not only Black and Yellow labs but also Golden Retrievers.”

“I am baffled by where these kinds of stupid ideas even come from?!”

“I am baffled by where these kinds of stupid ideas even come from?!”

It’s hilarious that the woman is scolding a blind period for having the wrong dog color

It’s hilarious that the woman is scolding a blind period for having the wrong dog

Apparently, society's inexplicable preference for lighter-colored pooches leaves their ebony counterparts languishing in shelters. Who knew dogs had to deal with societal biases, too?

Perhaps our Karen wasn't just a one-off but a symptom of a larger societal issue. 

Dogs, like people, come in all shades, and the hue of their fur doesn’t define their capabilities. Let's embrace diversity, whether it's in the world of assistance animals or our adoption choices.

Remember, it's not about the color of the fur but the heart that beats beneath it.

What do you think about this story? Let us know in the comments.
