Man Doesn't Allow Dirty Roommate To Turn His Basement Into Man Cave, Gets Termed An AH
"I already end up cleaning up the basement room myself"

A relationship is truly put to the test when you move in together with another person. Setting limits, juggling personalities, and a host of small eccentricities that surface only after you move in are all part of the experience.
The most important one, though, is whether or not they have self-cleaning skills. Living with untidy roommates is annoying enough for most people, but it gets worse when you can't talk to them.
Learning the fine art of compromise is a necessary component of having a healthy roommate relationship. Although you may want your roommate to do exactly everything you ask, it's likely that they feel the same way about you; therefore, a compromise needs to be reached.
The OP owns a 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom house. He has a roommate that he has been good friends with for years.
The OP charges him $475/month, and he has his own room and bathroom and access to all common areas of the house whenever he wants. This includes the basement, where the OP has one finished room that he decorated and set up with a futon, two couches, and an entertainment setup.
It's used as a guest room for when people visit and also as a social area if they have parties. The roommate's room is kind of trashed because he doesn't clean it, and now he wants to move his TV and Xbox into the basement room.
The OP refused but wants to know if he was too harsh with his decision.
The OP has a roommate that is a gamer and spends all his time in his room

The OP doesn't want that room to be his "man cave" or whatever

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the AH:
I am wondering if I am the asshole because my roommate called me an asshole for refusing him to set up his stuff in my basement guest room/social area.
And the comments from other Redditors roll in...

He should have saved a down payment for his own place

Giving the friend notice

Trashing the rest of the place

What does the OP have to lose?

The OP added this edit later on as an extra detail he omitted in his story
I did mean to add that he flipped out on me when I explained why I was saying no and he stormed off calling ME an a-hole lol
The OP has been too good

Kicking him out

No is a good answer

He can't make decisions like that

Your house, your rules

OP's roommate probably believes he'll get away with his demand since they're are such "good friends" and he's already gotten away with things like making the OP clean up after him. Regretfully, OP says he's heard several friends express the same opinion about him sharing his home.
According to the OP, one of his faults is that he's too kind and he did mention that his roommate never pays his rent on time. Eventually, he was declared not the AH.
