Things That Sound And Almost Look The Same But They Are Actually Completely Different

Hold on, I have to write these down.

Elzaan Van der merwe
Things That Sound And Almost Look The Same But They Are Actually Completely Different

Ever thought a tortoise and a turtle is the same thing? Or a crocodile and an alligator? I'm sure you have, but there is no shame in that. A lot of people even native English speakers tend to think that some things are the same, but to their surprise, they are completely different.

Sometimes people tend to argue until they are blue in the face, telling others that these two things are the exact same. You know what you should do in that situation or basically any situation where you know you are right? Use our good friend Google he holds all the answers.

But this time we got you and did the work for you and compiled a list of thing that is the "same" but also very different from one another. 

Alligators vs Crocodiles

 Alligators vs CrocodilesPixabay

Husky vs Malamute

 Husky vs MalamutePixabay

Great Britain vs United Kingdom

 Great Britain vs United KingdomWiki

Poisonous vs Venomous

 Poisonous vs VenomousPixabay

Emoticon vs Emoji

 Emoticon vs EmojiBritannica

Llama vs Alpaca

 Llama vs AlpacaPixabay

Rabbit vs Hare

 Rabbit vs HarePixabay

Turtle vs Tortoise

 Turtle vs TortoisePixabay

Possums vs Opossums

 Possums vs OpossumsPixabay

Shrimp vs Prawn

 Shrimp vs PrawnWiki

Concrete vs Sement

 Concrete vs SementPixabay

Jam vs Jelly

 Jam vs JellyFlickr

Crow vs Raven

 Crow vs RavenPixabay

Pill vs Tablet

 Pill vs TabletPixabay

Seal vs Sea lion

 Seal vs Sea lionPixabay

Weather vs Climate

 Weather vs ClimatePixabay

Lobster vs Crayfish

 Lobster vs CrayfishPixabay

Sphinx vs Sphynx

 Sphinx vs SphynxPixabay

Margarine vs Butter

 Margarine vs ButterFlickr

Mushrooms vs Toadstools

 Mushrooms vs ToadstoolsPixabay

Dolphin vs Porpoise

 Dolphin vs PorpoiseWiki

Champagne vs Sparkling wine

 Champagne vs Sparkling winePixabay

Labrador vs Golden Retriever

 Labrador vs Golden RetrieverPixabay

Muffins vs Cupcakes

 Muffins vs CupcakesPixabay

Nationality vs Ethnicity

 Nationality vs EthnicityFlickr

Stalactite vs Stalagmite

 Stalactite vs StalagmitePixabay

Butterfly vs Moth

 Butterfly vs MothPixabay

Gorilla vs Guerilla

 Gorilla vs GuerillaWiki

Armadillo vs Pangolin

 Armadillo vs PangolinFlickr

Boat vs Ship

 Boat vs ShipPixabay

Frog vs Toad

 Frog vs ToadPixabay

Bees vs Wasps

 Bees vs WaspsPixabay

Tofu vs Paneer

 Tofu vs PaneerFlickr

Banana vs Plantain

 Banana vs PlantainFlickr

Oranges vs Tangerines

 Oranges vs TangerinesPixabay

Kangaroo vs Wallaby

 Kangaroo vs WallabyPixabay

Mouse vs Rat

 Mouse vs RatPixabay

Mug vs Cup

 Mug vs CupPixabay

Biscuits vs Cookies

 Biscuits vs CookiesPixabay
Elzaan Van der merwe