The internet is a great place for finding a community. Whatever your people, with a few clicks, you can come online and find people with which to share the world: whether it be through fandom or tv shows, through books, through politics, through gaming, through hobbies or, more likely through humour.
Given that so many of us have grown up online and, for the most part, massively overshare our experiences, it can be really nice to see that other people relate to your experiences—especially given the dark state of the world. Probably this is why, regardless of our emotions, we end up sharing it online.
When we have good news, we share it with the world online: on the flip side, when we’re feeling down we doom scroll, which rarely makes us feel any better. So, if you are in a good mood, it is probably better that you take advantage of it and get off your phone and go outside and embrace the day.
But if you’re in a low mood, this is the right place for you. Luckily the expression “misery loves company” is also true of the internet, and wherever you turn there is likely a joke based around it—so check them out below.
If you were not depressed before you read this, I am betting that you are now. But, thanks to all these memes, hopefully, you are smiling through the pain.
At least, through all of this, you can be sure that you are not alone, and you are never alone, and there is always somewhere that you can go for help. The world is a better place with you in it, especially if one of your many talents happens to be creating extremely relatable memes.
Which of these depressing memes was your favourite? Or if yours didn’t make the list make sure that you share it in the comments below!