Employee's Request For Days Off From Work Gets Denied, He Quits And Goes On The Vacation Anyways

“There’s Always Another Job”

Employee's Request For Days Off From Work Gets Denied, He Quits And Goes On The Vacation Anyways

Vacations are crucial. It can benefit your physical and mental health, motivation and creativity, relationships, job performance, and even your perspective to take time away from the stresses of work and daily life.

You can feel relaxed, renewed, robust, and ready to handle anything that comes your way when you get back from a vacation. Additionally, it can increase your boost level and your capacity to change your life for the better, which frequently has a beneficial knock-on effect on your family, friends, and even coworkers and superiors.

When work becomes too much to handle and your work-life balance feels off, it's time to consider taking a vacation. Numerous health advantages of vacationing exist; however, there are barriers that hinder people from taking a break.

Particularly at this time of year, bosses can be notoriously demanding when it comes to vacation time. TikToker @newmanparkerr, who was preparing to travel to Europe, experienced that.

Everything was scheduled, but suddenly his supervisor denied his request for a vacation. The annoyed employee decided to leave rather than become angry.

His TikTok video (which you'll see as you keep scrolling) about it went viral, gaining over a million views.

h/t: Daily Dot

Parker can be seen grinning widely in the video

Parker can be seen grinning widely in the video@newmanparkerr

Here is what he wrote in the video:

"When my former job wouldn't approve my request, so I quit and went on my trip anyways," .

"You get the chance to see Europe; you don't say no," he wrote in the caption. Commenters fully backed up the TikToker's decision and here are some of what they had to say.

There is always another job

There is always another job@newmanparkerr

During the so-called "Great Resignation," many other people made the same decision. All these started during the pandemic as a lot of people quit their jobs setting a new record high.

Guess what fell to record low? Layoffs! A record-breaking number of people quit their jobs in 2021—nearly 48 million—and that pattern persisted into 2022 as well.

We can't work with your school schedule

We can't work with your school schedule@newmanparkerr

This has fueled an extremely competitive job market where job seekers are in charge. In the United States, the unemployment rate was 3.7 percent.

That is virtually half a decade low. Furthermore, given the high demand for labor, employers ought to be a little more lenient when it comes to vacation policies.

Every Job I've Quit

Every Job I've Quit@newmanparkerr

Your body is designed to withstand a particular level of daily stress. When an employee goes over the limit, they frequently feel worn out and depleted emotionally.

The vacation is useful in this situation. The body receives the necessary time to heal from chronic stress and bounce back from daily work strain.

Watch the viral TikTok video below

Employees become more productive at work as a result of feeling more refreshed and recharged as a result of vacation. The world has changed!

We still have a long way to go, but more and more employers and business owners are beginning to understand that taking a break now and then might actually result in longer-term productivity.
