These 40 Perfectly Timed Tweets About Summer Period Have Left People In Pool Of Laughter

Some people really need help. While confined in some institution.
One may think they have a lot of confidence, but too much can be detrimental. It is important to have principles and not be arrogant or close-minded, as this can be disastrous.
Just because you confidently post something online does not make it a fact. Opinions are not always facts.
On Twitter, a page called 'Delusional Takes' shares some of the most outrageous, uneducated, and bonkers opinions. People can poke fun at these opinions.
Being wrong is one thing, but the content featured on the 'Delusional Takes' page is an entirely different magnitude of craziness.
The 'Delusional Takes' Twitter page was launched in June of 2022 and has since gained over 162.9k followers. It focuses on incorrect opinions and arrogant social media users.
The page moderator warns that people should unfollow the account if they find it uncomfortable. If you've stumbled upon an outrageous opinion while browsing the web or scrolling through your feeds, you can share a link with them, and you may be featured!
If you take a look at some of the content featured on 'Delusional Takes,' you're sure to experience an uncomfortable amount of embarrassment on behalf of those who posted it. It's unbelievable how off-base some people's opinions can be!
This serves as a reminder that logic is not something we all share. Instead, many people prefer to stay in their bubble of beliefs, not wanting to risk being wrong. But what kind of life is it if you're going around hitting people over the head if they don't share your same opinion? It's an unfulfilling way to live.
One of the clearest demonstrations of the Dunning-Kruger effect is when individuals possess delusional views. These individuals usually believe they are more competent and intelligent than the average person and that their opinions are closer to the truth than anyone else's.
However, this is logically impossible since it goes against the basic principles of averages. Despite this, such people will continue to insist on their own superiority stubbornly.
Scary, isn't it?