Woman Tells Off Husband For Giving Up His "Spot" In The Delivery Room For The Birth Of His Son To His Brother

The birth of your child is an extremely great experience, but who can be in the delivery room with you matters.

Woman Tells Off Husband For Giving Up His "Spot" In The Delivery Room For The Birth Of His Son To His Brother

The birth of your child is an extremely important and special event that most people long to be a part of. A lot of women take who is in their delivery room very seriously simply because this is a very special moment for the parents and the mother is very vulnerable.

Now, this story isn't exactly something that you would normally hear, but it's definitely a little bit entertaining to hear about and get opinions on. If you aren't too worried about who's in the delivery room then you might have a different opinion.

With all this being said, this story was posted by a woman on Reddit and she shared a story about her SIL and BIL who ask to be present in the delivery room during labor and delivery. She told them, no, but her husband went behind her back and did something that upset her.

She's come to Reddit on the AITA thread to ask if she's in the wrong or if her husband is wrong for what he did in response. The comments on this thread seem to be leaning one way and agreeing on it, but of course, there are going to be different opinions on every situation.

Let's dive into this story to see what happened and what Reddit users had to say about it.

Here's the full story posted by OP.

Here's the full story posted by OP. throwra_657646

The ending of this story tells us how her family reacted.

The ending of this story tells us how her family reacted. throwra_657646

Comments came flooding in and it seems that they are pretty much all in agreeance.

Comments came flooding in and it seems that they are pretty much all in agreeance. Obstetrix

This is so true. It is her body and basically her procedure.

This is so true. It is her body and basically her procedure. DogsReadningBooks

A father actually posted a comment and it seems to check all the boxes for us.

A father actually posted a comment and it seems to check all the boxes for us. Ok_Two_8173

People sometimes don't realize how vulnerable a mother is during labor.

People sometimes don't realize how vulnerable a mother is during labor. emr830

He can't just trade out his ticket.

He can't just trade out his ticket. Zukazuk

They definitely need therapy and she's NTA.

They definitely need therapy and she's NTA. JudgeJed100

There are so many red flags.

There are so many red flags. DianeJudith

I think it'll just get worse if she decides to let them in the delivery room.

I think it'll just get worse if she decides to let them in the delivery room. Sufficient_Zone6477

Many awards were given for this golden comment.

Many awards were given for this golden comment. Elelith

This is for sure a bigger problem that her husband is making it seem.

This is for sure a bigger problem that her husband is making it seem. Nyx_is

People start going into detail about what could happen afterwards when things escalate.

People start going into detail about what could happen afterwards when things escalate. TousBous

Her husband is definite TA.

Her husband is definite TA. Ayaruq

This comment responded to many different sections of the story.

This comment responded to many different sections of the story. Emanrestutonnekat

Thi sis about the whole family, but if her husband can't get it together then he doesn't deserve to be there.

Thi sis about the whole family, but if her husband can't get it together then he doesn't deserve to be there. Geeky_daydreamer

It's a giant red flag.

It's a giant red flag. Sufficient_Zone6477

It's a very unfortunate situation to be in.

It's a very unfortunate situation to be in. Excellent_Care1859

She gets the final say in who can be present during the birth of their child.

She gets the final say in who can be present during the birth of their child. ThistleFaun

It seems that everyone agrees she's NTA.

It seems that everyone agrees she's NTA. LavenderSage013

This situation is definitely something that is unfortunate and I wouldn't want anyone to go through this. Most of the Reddit comments are in agreeance that she's NTA and her husband, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law are all out of line.

What do you think about this situation and what would you do?
