Redditor Left To Deep Clean Apartment While Roommates Move Out Without Helping, Forgetting That The Security Deposit Is In Their Names
Having a roommate is hard enough at times, but having one that acts like this is honestly even worse.
- Published in Interesting
We're looking into yet another post today that was submitted by someone on the Malicious Compliance Reddit thread. These threads are always so fun to read because it's interesting to see how some of this stuff backfires on people.
This thread is for those who want to share a situation where they complied with a rule or something that actually ended up being worse on the person. So basically, when someone is following directions, doing so actually makes the issue worse.
In this case, someone's roommates and themselves are moving out of their place together, and of course, that means you need to clean the empty place before you go. The roommates actually left everything for OP and explained that they needed OP to clean it because they were headed to another state.
Of course, OP doesn't want to leave it for the landlord, but they also don't want to clean it up when it's not just their mess or their mess at all. The deciding factor is that OP can't get the security deposit back anyway and so they're not going to deep clean at all.
If you're interested in hearing the full story and seeing the original post, then keep on reading as we dive in and give you a look at the post and all the best comments as well.
OP started off by explaining the roommate situation and how they are all moving out at the same time.
u/ShortStoryAttemptedThey get into the details of the cleaning situation and it just seems like OP isn't okay with having to do all the deep cleaning and we don't blame them.
u/ShortStoryAttemptedThis is definitely good advice already because they should document this so that the landlord knows exactly what's going on.
ProfessionalFenceSome people commented who were landlord and they actually told her not to bother and to just clean what's hers and leave the rest.
CartepostalelondonSo many people just told them to clean what they could and then continue on with their day without worrying about the deep cleaning part.
XantcharaWe do agree with everyone saying that OP should take photos for the landlord because I think it's important that they document the issue.
ODCreature98There are actually a few different things that OP might be able to do in this situation and people from all over came to give tips on how they could handle this.
InspectorGadget7576OP wans't really keen on doing any of the cleaning and would rather just no have to worry about it which is why they chose not to.
Ima-BottWe do agree with everyone here saying that they need to tell the landlord because if not then they'll all be help accountable.
joemc225This would be a great message to send them and document that they sent it to them as well for proof.
DConstructedPeople were giving OP lots of different advice here, but most of it included telling the landlord or telling the roommates something about it. We do recommend documenting it, though, and getting photos of the stuff they left because that wasn't right of them.