50+ Evil And Deceptive Packaging Designs That Left Customers Utterly Disappointed

Popular brands are lying to us.

50+ Evil And Deceptive Packaging Designs That Left Customers Utterly Disappointed

Some things are just too good to be true. Like those "as seen on TV" products that seem like they'll change your life but end up being complete garbage.

Or those packaging tricks that make you think you're getting more than you actually are. Every consumer knows about them already.

Yet companies continue the practice anyway. They think excessive packaging will entice their customers.

For example, you know those restaurants that advertise "generous" portions, but when your meal arrives it's clear that they're anything but? That's because they're using a little trick called "vanishing caloric density."

Foods with a lot of water or air take up more space but have fewer calories, so by filling up your plate with these types of foods, restaurants can trick you into thinking you're getting a lot more food than you actually are.

Another common trick is the "two for the price of one" deal. But a lot of times, these deals are actually more expensive than if you just bought the items separately.

So before you buy into a "deal" like this, do the math to see if it's actually saving you money.

Then we have snacks tagged as "healthy", but are actually full of sugar. Just because a food is marketed as such, it doesn't mean it actually is. Once you look at the nutritional label you will see just how much sugar it contains.

It's important to educate yourself about the deceptive packaging tactics of even the most popular brands. Below are some of the most maddening examples that consumers shared.

1. It's $1.50 more because of the packaging. It's not even going to charity.

There's a better way to celebrate Pride month.

1. It's $1.50 more because of the packaging. It's not even going to charity.Chaosdrunk

2. It's better to make sandwiches at home.

2. It's better to make sandwiches at home.Far0s

3. New and unused powder

3. New and unused powderGiShG69

4. It's a "big" bottle.

4. It's a JohnRFL

5. How generous of them!

5. How generous of them!bassaleh

6. What Nescafé did was pointless.

6. What Nescafé did was pointless.@MohamadHarakeh

7. Wasting plastic.

7. Wasting plastic.whatdoyouwant83

8. Here's a big box, but you only get a chocolate that's 1/3 of its size.

8. Here's a big box, but you only get a chocolate that's 1/3 of its size.One_Laugh_Guy

9. Gotta rearrange the pepperoni, I guess.

9. Gotta rearrange the pepperoni, I guess.TheDappaDon

10. Trying to make "yard" work

10. Trying to make proft0x

11. Don't expect the get a whole package.

11. Don't expect the get a whole package.dfdgfgdf568

12. Don't disappoint the receiver. Stop buying these.

12. Don't disappoint the receiver. Stop buying these.K_Agm

13. Imagine if you're a kid looking forward to the big lollipop.

13. Imagine if you're a kid looking forward to the big lollipop.RobloxLover369421

14. They didn't even bother with the packaging.

14. They didn't even bother with the packaging.Org_ChemistVir

15. This tissue has an issue.

15. This tissue has an issue.T3QN33K

16. What a waste of plastic.

16. What a waste of plastic.suethezombiedinosaur

17. It's not authentic.

17. It's not authentic.brendine9

18. The sticker is there for a reason.

18. The sticker is there for a reason.Me_Himself

19. This should be renamed to "Art Storage Kit."

19. This should be renamed to OldMcNick

20. They sell this in Malaysia.

20. They sell this in Malaysia.BootySmackahah

21. Only one side has the best ones. The other half? Disappointing.

21. Only one side has the best ones. The other half? Disappointing.AdorimeJacklove

22. That wasn't necessary.

22. That wasn't necessary.Mayungi

23. They didn't get their wiener.

23. They didn't get their wiener.z4ku

24. Where's the cream?

24. Where's the cream?xxanity

25. They could've used the cardboard for something better.

25. They could've used the cardboard for something better.HailChanka69

26. Let's ask Campbell's which one's true.

26. Let's ask Campbell's which one's true.CivilizedPsycho

27. This is the only amount you get.

27. This is the only amount you get.lDipsyl

28. Unwrapped and wrapped

28. Unwrapped and wrappedcreynolds722

29. As if people wouldn't notice!

29. As if people wouldn't notice!IWatchYouInTheShower

30. You get no fruits. Just milk.

30. You get no fruits. Just milk.St-Paerikus, plutonium-239

31. When insurance coverage doesn't include pills.

31. When insurance coverage doesn't include pills.readstewmuch

32. New look = Less content at the same price

32. New look = Less content at the same priceNeedTacosASAP

33. Kim Kardashian isn't being honest. This is her underwear brand.

33. Kim Kardashian isn't being honest. This is her underwear brand.bishopzac

34. Doesn't it make you want to cry?

34. Doesn't it make you want to cry?JaneVivanda

35. Modern example of a trojan horse.

35. Modern example of a trojan horse.PoorGeno

36. If you don't read the back side, you won't see the "Visual Serving Proposal" label.

36. If you don't read the back side, you won't see the teamcemi

37. That paper cone in the middle makes the pail look full. Don't be fooled!

37. That paper cone in the middle makes the pail look full. Don't be fooled!anatolyzenkov

38. You expect the varieties you see on the lid, but you get none of them.

38. You expect the varieties you see on the lid, but you get none of them.Previous_Influence_8

39. Expectation vs. Reality

39. Expectation vs. Reality34thVedicDeity

40. You don't get that amount of fillings, and it's just sad.

40. You don't get that amount of fillings, and it's just sad.spoon-forks-

41. Not worth it!

41. Not worth it!mewusedpsychic

42. Why can't they just be honest about it?

42. Why can't they just be honest about it?4BDUL4Z1Z

43. Different price, different packaging, same ingredients. Just go for the cheapest one!

43. Different price, different packaging, same ingredients. Just go for the cheapest one!vidoardes

44. That doesn't look good.

44. That doesn't look good.benjchelt

45. So which one's true?

45. So which one's true?bwenstrand

46. Let's just bake these next time.

46. Let's just bake these next time.SEND_ME_RULE-34

47. You'd think that you get more just because the box is big.

47. You'd think that you get more just because the box is big.lonetrooper56

48. "Mixed" veggies

48. therealmikechadwick

49. Are you even serious?

49. Are you even serious?wooden_slug

50. Waf-Full of air

50. Waf-Full of airbrookuslicious

51. When you flip the chips, you'll find out what the real deal is.

51. When you flip the chips, you'll find out what the real deal is.whoadan

When you go to the store, do you ever take the time to read the labels on the packages? Unless you're a food scientist, we're guessing probably not.

But you should, because some of those labels are downright deceiving. Not all products are like these.

So, make sure that you're getting your money's worth by checking the packaging.
