A Blogger Gave 'The Mandalorian' A Bad Review And Reddit Has Big Opinions About It
Hersko says, "'The Mandalorian' is a $100 million show about nothing."

Unless you've been literally living under some sort of enormous rock, there is no way you haven't been at least privy to the hype about Disney+'s original show The Mandalorian. At the very least you've been utterly bombarded with Baby Yoda. Because Baby Yoda memes are all the hype right now. Regardless, people are super duper hyped about The Mandalorian. Except for Tyler Hersko, who wrote a review of the show's 6th episode for IndieWire. Hersko said in no uncertain terms that The Mandalorian is an expensive show about nothing.
Hersko raises some totally valid points, though, so between the valid points and the outrage over our beloved new favorite show, Reddit had BIG opinions when the blog post was shared.
Hersko said:
There’s no overarching plot, no character development, and, six episodes in, still no emotional stakes or any indication that these issues will get resolved.

Reddit users chimed in quickly to debate the topic.
My wife described it as a modern Hercules or Xena show, and I think that description is perfect. The weekly adventures of Mando.
- Ozakrael

It's a classic western show. The lonely ranger travels around from place to place, fleeing from some past. It solves village problems and deals with other cowboys along the way. I don't know why that isn't clear to everyone. Even the series theme is western inspired.
- _demello
I finished episode one and I’m on episode two and I’m thinking this is a classic western in every way With characters, weapons, transportation just modernized.
- smoopy62

A valid point, have you seen that you can even make your very own Baby Yoda doll?

Also, cue nostalgia for SpaceBalls.

It's about how a stupid bounty hunter keeps leaving his ship unlocked and with a hatch open. I keep watching it though.
- stromm

Some divided opinions also emerged among the agreements and disagreements.

But a lot of people are echoing comfort in the dynamics of the show. Like these comments:
I feel like it takes an overarching story about a character, but drops you into random days of his life. They are important events that shape his life, but each episode individually isn't earth shattering. Older shoes would be episodic like that, then have major plot episodes at mid-season break and season finale.
- Zeyn1
The show feels like a modern day 90's adventure show along the lines of Xena Warrior Princess, Hercules etc. that I grew up with. It feels very nostalgic. There's plenty of great serious shows out there to watch right now, I love this as a 'comfort' type show so far.

And some people offered some advice to the tune of "less talky, more fighty."
I don't mind the meandering, it's the dialogue that sounds like it's from a kids show instead of a major production that bugs me. First episode was great because there wasn't much talking. Maybe they should just stick to mostly silence.

It’s a live action video game. Complete with fetch quests and armor upgrades. Edit: and I love it.
And I like them jumping around. I rather have a story about “nothing” than another rebel vs empire band of unlikely heroes ripoff with an ex Jedi big alien and outlaw heart of gold blah blah blah... at least they did something new. '
I swear it's like people have completely forgotten what non-serialized television is. It's an episodic show, that's all, and that's perfectly fine.

It's the way it is for a reason, folks.

It's about a traveling warrior doing the right thing time and time again. Do you need anything more?

Have you seen the Mandalorian? What do you think about the conversation? Let us know in the comments now!
