People Reveal The Methods They Use To Deal With Scam Callers And They're Absolutely Hilarious And Creative

Scam callers think they're smart, but these people are smarter.

  • Published in Funny
People Reveal The Methods They Use To Deal With Scam Callers And They're Absolutely Hilarious And Creative

Scam callers are the worst kind of people on this planet, they prey on the weak and steal their hard-earned life savings without feeling a shred of remorse. They do it so many times that they forget or ignore the fact that they're ruining thousands of lives around the world.

Their methods keep changing constantly so it's impossible to raise awareness about what they're doing because you never know what they could come up with.

Thankfully, many people caught us to their bs and decided to start wasting their time since as long as they're talking to them, they can't scam anyone else. They each have their own methods and they're all absolutely glorious.

1. They're easily spooked

1. They're easily spookedToniHargis

2. Just one of my many personalities

2. Just one of my many personalitiesMisexpen

3. Just let your kid handle it

3. Just let your kid handle itThatJacquiOne

4. A "Death Case"

4. A RealCariari

5. Use a foreign language

5. Use a foreign languageWeegieFifer

6. It was intentional bro

6. It was intentional broparmpernel

7. Just forget it bro

7. Just forget it broShep00A9

8. I want your whole stock

8. I want your whole stockmaggieleat

9. They deserve it

9. They deserve itTomMcClelland4

10. A very urbane voice

10. A very urbane voiceDenirogers

11. You are now a suspect

11. You are now a suspectKarenHeard

12. Keeping em busy

12. Keeping em busySolerina2

13. Supernatural Causes

13. Supernatural Causesjohnlgough

14. Listing Symptoms

14. Listing Symptomstwattybanjo

15. Confusing and effective

15. Confusing and effectiveLadyTippyToes

16. Just some fun times

16. Just some fun timesbigpaulwales