Woman Inherits Troublesome Roommate And Finds Ingenious Way To Cope

"I inherited a horrible roommate when I took over a lease"

Woman Inherits Troublesome Roommate And Finds Ingenious Way To Cope

In a classic case of mismatched roommates, OP found herself dealing with a rather unpleasant living situation. It was an unfortunate inheritance when she took over a lease without the opportunity to meet her new roommate beforehand. The person occupying the other side of the apartment was not just difficult but downright disagreeable.

This roommate never contributed to the cleaning efforts, casually "borrowed" OP's dishes without bothering to clean them afterward, and even helped himself to put her food in the fridge. Communication with this person was an exercise in futility.

He skillfully dodged any attempt at conversation, avoided eye contact, and refrained from even the basic courtesy of a greeting. To add to the frustration, he would crank up the music whenever OP dared to knock on his door, effectively shutting her out.

However, OP, resourceful and determined, devised a subtle plan to address the situation. Observing that her roommate had a habit of tossing his key on the kitchen counter upon arrival, she began filing away one of the key's teeth ever so discreetly.

Over time, the key's functionality dwindled until it eventually needed replacement. The apartment policy imposed a $10 fee for key replacements, which meant OP's roommate had to bear this cost.

This process repeated itself not once but four times until the roommate decided to move out for reasons unrelated to the mysteriously malfunctioning key.

OP moved into a new place and inherited a bad roommate who didn't clean, took his food and dishes without asking, and avoided all communication.

OP moved into a new place and inherited a bad roommate who didn't clean, took his food and dishes without asking, and avoided all communication.Reddit

OP found sweet revenge in destroying the key

OP found sweet revenge in destroying the keyReddit

OP is an expert in locks and lock-picking

OP is an expert in locks and lock-pickingReddit

Good prank idea

Good prank ideaReddit

Laxatives might also be beneficial in this circumstance.

Laxatives might also be beneficial in this circumstance.Reddit

A familiar situation

A familiar situationReddit

Past living situations could have led him to think his actions were acceptable

Past living situations could have led him to think his actions were acceptableReddit

Here are three light-hearted revenge pranks to consider pulling on your roommates. Please remember to keep the pranks safe, non-destructive, and fun for everyone involved.

  1. The "Plastic Wrap Doorway" Prank: Wait for your roommate to leave their room and stretch a layer of clear plastic wrap across the doorway at about waist height. The next time they walk in, they'll walk right into it!
  2. The "Switcheroo" Prank: While your roommate is out, move the furniture in their room around, or switch items from one drawer to another. Make sure to not break or damage anything. The slight disarray will leave them scratching their head.
  3. The "Toothpaste Oreos" Prank: Carefully take apart some Oreo cookies and scrape off the cream. Replace it with white toothpaste and put the cookies back together. Offer them to your roommate and watch their reaction when they take a bite!

Make sure to gauge your roommate's tolerance for pranks beforehand, and remember, it's all in good fun!

OP is genius

OP is geniusReddit

Simple and irritating.

Simple and irritating.Reddit

Revenge tactics

Revenge tacticsReddit

Simply trivial

Simply trivialReddit

So OP had a terrible roommate, and OP got a little creative with revenge. He messed with the roommate key, and it cost him money and probably some annoyance.

It's a funny way to handle a bad situation, but let's be real: Next time, OP needs to meet the roommate before he signs that lease. Otherwise, OP might end up playing these silly games again. But if he does, at least he knows how to make their life a little tougher!
