Redditor Disposes Of A Dead Cat He Thought Was A Stray, Gets Berated For It

"I love animals and was tearing up while having to clean up after the cat"

Redditor Disposes Of A Dead Cat He Thought Was A Stray, Gets Berated For It

Losing a cat can change your life, and it can be just as devastating as losing a human companion. Whether a loss is unexpected or long anticipated, the pain that comes with it can be excruciating.

Even when we know that our cat's life will end, how we react can still have a big impact. Our kitties are our constant friends and part of our everyday lives.

We enjoy their wittiness, feel their love, and share life events with them. It should come as no surprise that when they pass away, we frequently experience a sizable void that may have an effect on our daily lives. 

Yes, grieving is a normal and healthy reaction to loss. There is no one way that is "right" to mourn the loss of your cat.

But what about finding a dead cat on your porch? A cat you are not close to in any way chooses your porch to die on.

That is the story we see in today’s post as a Redditor named u/agentfortyfour shared with the AITA subreddit community. The man chose to dispose of this dead feral kitten, whom he thought was a stray, for a good number of reasons.

He then posted about it on a Facebook page, only for the "cat owner" to show up and demand the dead cat. Read the full story as you keep scrolling below. 

OP says:

OP says:u/agentfortyfour

We have seen this cat around for a couple of years

We have seen this cat around for a couple of yearsu/agentfortyfour

I didn't want another animal digging it up

I didn't want another animal digging it upu/agentfortyfour

She yelled at my wife and then berated me

She yelled at my wife and then berated meu/agentfortyfour

Here are a few things to note

Here are a few things to noteu/agentfortyfour

It didn't look like he was caring for them

It didn't look like he was caring for themu/agentfortyfour

To summarize the whole story...

To summarize the whole story...u/agentfortyfour

Here are a bunch of comments from Redditors in response to the post.

Cat owner is being unreasonable

Cat owner is being unreasonableReddit

There's really not much else you could have done

There's really not much else you could have doneReddit

They cannot consider themselves a pet owner if...

They cannot consider themselves a pet owner if...Reddit

You can't undo anything that was done

You can't undo anything that was doneReddit

It's not like the cat was well taken care of

It's not like the cat was well taken care ofReddit

No good deed goes unpunished

No good deed goes unpunishedReddit

Who wants to keep a dead animal around?

Who wants to keep a dead animal around?Reddit

The OP hopes the cat died comfortably and peacefully

The OP hopes the cat died comfortably and peacefullyReddit

The fact is that she's a terrible pet owner

The fact is that she's a terrible pet ownerReddit

It was reasonable to assume it was a stray

It was reasonable to assume it was a strayReddit

She has no business accusing you

She has no business accusing youReddit

Tell her you'll report her to animal cruelty

Tell her you'll report her to animal crueltyReddit

You should have done it when you found the cat

You should have done it when you found the catReddit

The OP wishes he had thought it through a little better

The OP wishes he had thought it through a little betterReddit

For this Redditor, the OP is not the AH

For this Redditor, the OP is not the AHReddit

Grief does not follow a "normal" timeline as "it takes as long as it takes." Every loss experience is different and can elicit a range of feelings.

This is typical, whether you’re experiencing feelings of sadness, anxiety, fatigue, guilt, or relief. Although it may be comforting to hear that others have gone through a similar experience, each person who has loved and lost a cat will go through the grieving process in their own way.
