Deceased Cat Believed To Have Visited Woman's Room Precisely One Year After She Died

She asked Reddit users for a possible explanation, but they couldn’t agree.

Deceased Cat Believed To Have Visited Woman's Room Precisely One Year After She Died

Losing a pet cat is one of the heaviest blows. Every one of us deals with loss differently.

But the important thing is to deal with it, and not to deny the pain. A Reddit user going by the name of chlochan from Swindon, England, posted a video in which she allegedly filmed her deceased cat named Blackjack.

People responded with hundreds of explanations for this theory. Among the likely explanations were the “stray blanket” theory, the contrast-brightness difference between the camera and the apartment, a camera matrix problem, etc.

Apart from a few people who firmly rejected the presence of cat ghosts, nobody was "sure." Of course, maybe since so many of us know the pain of a beloved cat's death, that we all just wanted this possible deceased cat sighting to truly be a cat sighting, because we all want to know that our cats are watching over us even after we are no longer able to watch over them.

This is Blackjack

This is Blackjack;chlochan

Chloe says: "It was a normal day, had been out for a few hours, had just got in and went to check my two cats were in so I could open the front door back up to take the back seats for my partner’s stepdad’s minivan out to him without the cats running out the door and getting in the way."

"You can see I look at the sofa, but I didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary. It was only when I checked back on the camera (like I do any time we go out) that I noticed something weird, and it seemed like my cat, Blackjack, that passed away exactly a year ago."

;chlochan ;chlochan ;chlochan ;chlochan ;chlochan ;chlochan ;chlochan

Owner’s partner and two kitties named Logan and Rummy don’t let her feel lonesome

Owner’s partner and two kitties named Logan and Rummy don’t let her feel lonesome;chlochan

Although she misses Blackjack terribly, the user is not alone. She has a loving partner and two kitties named Logan and Rummy. Perhaps Blackjack got bored up there and decided to visit his family once more.

;chlochan ;chlochan