Man Signs Away Parental Rights In Divorce Then Blows Up When Ex-Wife Denies Him Access To Daughters

“You made your choice, so stay away from MY daughters!”

Man Signs Away Parental Rights In Divorce Then Blows Up When Ex-Wife Denies Him Access To Daughters

Our narrator (Original Poster) was a devoted single mom in her early thirties, tirelessly treading the balance between a healthcare career and two hyperactive but precious toddlers, Lila and Gaia.

OP was with her husband for seven years, but things quickly turned upside down when she unraveled an epic betrayal. The covert Casanova she called a husband was juggling not one but two secret families! Complete with a 5-year-old daughter and twin boys on the way—from two different women.

Yet, amidst the wreckage of broken promises and shattered dreams, OP emerged stronger than ever. Her ex-husband chose to sign away his parental rights, but she proudly took the reins of single parenthood with both hands—they didn’t need him.

One fateful day, OP’s ex-husband’s 5-year-old showed up at her hospital, and unfortunately, he was the accompanying parent. Lila was at school while 1-year-old Gaia was at the daycare; OP, on the other hand, was caught up in her busy shifts—but not for long.

A frantic call came in from the daycare to report that Gaia was screaming hysterically and couldn’t be calmed. She later found her ex-husband tried to pick Gaia up. You see, Gaia wasn’t a fan of new people, and since her parents split when she was a baby, her dad was practically a stranger to her—hence the piercing screams when he tried to touch her.

OP was livid, and she didn't hold back. She gave her ex a verbal thrashing, and he, in turn, branded her an a***hole for ‘keeping him from his daughters.’

Did he have a point?

The story in detail

The story in

Some background on the story

Some background on the

OP discovered that her ex came by their daughter’s daycare and tried to secretly pick the little girl up

OP discovered that her ex came by their daughter’s daycare and tried to secretly pick the little girl

OP had to stay with her daughter throughout the day, at the detriment of her job. In addition, she faced insults from her ex for being ‘inconsiderate’

OP had to stay with her daughter throughout the day, at the detriment of her job. In addition, she faced insults from her ex for being ‘inconsiderate’

Important edits


We gathered some reactions from Netizens:

“Make sure the daycare and even Lila's school know that he isn't to be allowed to even see them, let alone pick them up for any reason.”

“Make sure the daycare and even Lila's school know that he isn't to be allowed to even see them, let alone pick them up for any reason.”

“Having signed his rights away he is lucky he isn't up on kidnap charges for trying to take your child without consent.”

“Having signed his rights away he is lucky he isn't up on kidnap charges for trying to take your child without consent.”

“NTA. So it's YOUR fault that he cheated, had children by another woman, abandoned his other kids, and now he's missing his daughters.”

“NTA. So it's YOUR fault that he cheated, had children by another woman, abandoned his other kids, and now he's missing his daughters.”

“NTA He signed away his rights, he doesn’t get to see them. You did nothing wrong.”

“NTA     He signed away his rights, he doesn’t get to see them. You did nothing wrong.”

“NTA. Your Ex signed away his rights. Now he claims he misses these two children? Is he really that clueless?”

“NTA. Your Ex signed away his rights. Now he claims he misses these two children? Is he really that clueless?”

“I'd rip daycare a new one. They were about to let him take her without anyone can just kidnap any of these kids?!”

“I'd rip daycare a new one. They were about to let him take her without anyone can just kidnap any of these kids?!”

Redditors emphasized that OP’s reaction was spot on. Her ex-husband's attempt to barge in and pick Gaia up after signing away his rights was audacious—he’s lucky he isn’t facing kidnap charges.

They commended her for standing her ground and even suggested informing the daycare staff to prevent any future attempts. In their eyes, OP's ex is the inconsiderate one, not her.

Do you agree with the commenters? Share your thoughts with us.
