This Artist's DC And Other Pop Culture Art Is Uniquely Designed And Obsess Worthy

Collins has thousands of followers on social media and frequents comic cons where his awesome artistic style appeals to different fandoms

  • Published in Disney
This Artist's DC And Other Pop Culture Art Is Uniquely Designed And Obsess Worthy

From St. Augustine, Florida, artist Bryan A. Collins brings his unique touch and eye for color and design to multiple artistic mediums from acrylic paint and Prismacolor pencils to custom creating interesting toys. He's also the author of the Young Adult Fantasy Adventure Novel, Sewn Together.

Collins has thousands of followers on social media and frequents comic cons where his awesome artistic style appeals to fandoms like Pokemon, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Disney, Star Wars, and other cult classic films that Millennials just can't get enough of.

Check out some of his awesome art below!

Don't forget to Support the Artist: DeviantArt | Instagram | Etsy

1. Wonder Woman

1. Wonder Womanbryancollins

2. Jack Skellington

2. Jack Skellingtonbryancollins

3. Zero from Nightmare Before Christmas

3. Zero from Nightmare Before Christmasbryancollins

4. Stitch

4. Stitchbryancollins

5. The Incredible Hulk

5. The Incredible Hulkbryancollins

6. Baby Yoda / Grogu

6. Baby Yoda / Grogubryancollins

7. Deadpool

7. Deadpoolbryancollins

8. Davy Jones / Pirates of the Carribean

8. Davy Jones / Pirates of the Carribeanbryancollins

9. Thanos

9. Thanosbryancollins

10. Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas

10. Sally from Nightmare Before Christmasbryancollins

11. The Riddler

11. The Riddlerbryancollins

12. Maleficent

12. Maleficentbryancollins

13. Catwoman

13. Catwomanbryancollins

14. Spiderman

14. Spidermanbryancollins

15. Alice in Wonderland

15. Alice in Wonderlandbryancollins

16. Beetlejuice

16. Beetlejuicebryancollins

17. The Joker

17. The Jokerbryancollins

18. Wednesday Addams

18. Wednesday Addamsbryancollins

19. Cheshire Cat

19. Cheshire Catbryancollins

20. Darth Vader

20. Darth Vaderbryancollins

21. Poison Ivy

21. Poison Ivybryancollins

22. The Punisher

22. The Punisherbryancollins

23. Edward Scissorhands

23. Edward Scissorhandsbryancollins

24. Arkham Asylum

24. Arkham Asylumbryancollins

25. Boba Fett

25. Boba Fettbryancollins

26. Batman

26. Batmanbryancollins