Mother Shares 9-Year-Old Daughter's Priceless Revenge On a School Bully
"He finally dismissed us, and my daughter skipped back to class, laughing hysterically."
- Published in Interesting
It's fair to say that none of us are born "bad." At least, that's what I like to believe. We all come into the world with great potential to achieve incredible things, and it's the environment we're brought up in, which determines the person we become. That's why good parents are so important—parents who are there to patiently teach you right from wrong. And parents who will have your back no matter what.
This Redditor is the perfect example of such a parent. When she was called into her young daughter's school after an "incident," the dedicated mother was ready to defend her baby girl to the end.
Little did she know, she wouldn't have to.