Man Defies Daughter’s ‘Impossible’ Wedding Request To Aid In Funding Special ‘Tribute’ To The Same Man Who Made His Life Living Hell
“I’m not spending a dime on the man who wrecked my family!”

Our narrator (Original Poster) was a devoted dad to two superstar children. However, shortly after OP’s second was born, his wife left him for her high school ex.
The ensuing divorce brought emotional scars and an unexpected addition to the family—Sam, the infamous high school flame.
For some reason, OP’s daughter, Emily, absolutely adored Sam. She awarded him a paternal role, and even referred to him as “Daddy Sam”.
Since Sam had a penchant for needling OP’s insecurities, he relished the petty triumph of being deemed a second father. He even used it as a weapon to assert his perceived “superiority” in fatherhood.
OP found multiple shots flung his way, including Sam’s endless taunts about walking Emily down the aisle. Weirdly enough, Sam didn’t care much for OP’s son, Hayes—a decision OP presumed was rooted in Hayes's sexuality.
Thankfully, despite Sam's numerous attempts to drive a wedge, Emily remained close to her biological father.
As fate would have it, Sam was diagnosed with motor neuron disease a year ago. A cruel twist that confined him to a wheelchair and silenced his once-booming voice.
Emily was on the brink of matrimony, and unsurprisingly, she wanted both OP and Sam to take her down the aisle. She approached OP with a unique request: a special tribute to Sam for which she required his financial and physical aid.
OP vehemently opposed it—how could he spend a dime on a character who brought so much chaos into his life? Hayes Refused to help her as well.
A clash ensued between father and daughter, which left OP wondering: was he the asshole in this situation?
Let’s dig into the details

A bit of background

Despite the taunts, OP kept his cool and focused on strengthening the relationship he has with his son

Sadly, Sam lost his mobility after being diagnosed with motor neuron disease. Regardless, OP’s daughter asked that Sam join in walking her down the isle during her upcoming wedding

OP’s daughter asked him for help as she wanted to honor Sam as one of her father figures on the wedding day. However, OP bluntly declined

The daughter’s fiancé reached out to OP, asking that he and Sam squash whatever beef they have. In addition he accused OP of breaking his daughter’s heart by being petty

Here’s how the Reddit community reacted to the story:
“She can't expect others to forget or ignore their own mistreat by Sam just to make her happy.”

“Tell fiancé if he feels you're ruining his fiancée's big day he can arrange for that along with his MIL's help.”

“NTA… Seems like they should be able to figure out how to do so without your involvement.”

“ The fact that two separate people won’t help her with this should be a wake-up call to her.”

“NTA…This man's words and actions caused you great harm and absolutely did impact your relationship with YOUR daughter.”

Redditors are solidly behind OP. Sam might be terminally ill, but that doesn’t excuse his past misdeeds—actions still have consequences.
If Emily wishes to honor her stepfather, it's her prerogative; OP isn't obligated to finance or join.
Redditors commend OP for allowing the daughter's relationship with Sam despite his transgressions. Granting her the freedom to proceed as she sees fit was already a substantial gift, it was OP’s right to not participate.
What do you think about this story? Let us know in the comments.
