Woman Accuses Mother Of Forcing Her To Have A Baby And Then Refusing To Help Raise It

There was a huge misunderstanding when OP asked her daughter when she would settle down.

Woman Accuses Mother Of Forcing Her To Have A Baby And Then Refusing To Help Raise It

The world is a vast place, and people choose to live their lives in different ways. Some stay in one place, others travel the world, and some choose to live a nomadic lifestyle.

For Susan, a 29-year-old woman, and her husband, living from hotel to hotel around the world was a dream come true. They worked remotely, earned enough to support their life, and were happy doing what they were doing.

OP, Susan's mother, was supportive of her daughter's dreams but always felt that it wouldn't be a forever thing. She believed that eventually, Susan and her husband would pick a place to live and take vacations less frequently.

Because they were rarely in the country, OP didn't get to see her daughter and son-in-law in person often. One of the few chances she got was earlier this year when she asked Susan if she planned to settle down anytime soon, and she seemed annoyed and replied that it was between her and her husband.

Fast forward to Thanksgiving, and Susan came to stay with OP for a while. At a family dinner, Susan announced that she was going to start settling down.

OP was excited for her and asked if she had a place in mind. Susan replied that she did, a house in the neighboring city which left the mother surprised because it was closer than she thought Susan would want, and she asked why.

Susan replied that it was so they could visit more often, and then she dropped the bombshell that she was pregnant. OP congratulated her, and Susan handed her a list of all the things she would need for her pregnancy and the baby's first year.

Susan said that she would need all of those things and said that if OP was going to pressure her into a pregnancy, she should at least "take responsibility." OP was confused until Susan accused her of pressuring her to have kids by asking about settling down.

When OP woke up the next day, she found out that Susan had posted on social media that her mother had forced her to have a child earlier than she wanted and refused to help with it.

OP has a 29-year-old daughter that enjoys a nomadic lifestyle, living in hotels and always on the move

OP has a 29-year-old daughter that enjoys a nomadic lifestyle, living in hotels and always on the moveu/Miserable-Policy-143

She doesn't get to see her daughter very often but when they saw each other recently, OP asked her if she plans on settling down anytime soon

She doesn't get to see her daughter very often but when they saw each other recently, OP asked her if she plans on settling down anytime soonu/Miserable-Policy-143

During a family dinner, the daughter announced that she would moving to a neighboring city, and that a baby is on the way

During a family dinner, the daughter announced that she would moving to a neighboring city, and that a baby is on the wayu/Miserable-Policy-143

The daughter gave OP a list of things the baby needs

The daughter gave OP a list of things the baby needsu/Miserable-Policy-143

OP was accused of pressuring her daughter into having a baby

OP was accused of pressuring her daughter into having a babyu/Miserable-Policy-143

OP couldn't buy everything from the list, and she couldn't babysit the child

OP couldn't buy everything from the list, and she couldn't babysit the childu/Miserable-Policy-143

OP woke up to a nasty surprise

OP woke up to a nasty surpriseu/Miserable-Policy-143

Truly baffling

Truly bafflingReddit

This user had a theory about what actually happened

This user had a theory about what actually happenedu/saran1111

Different kind of help

Different kind of helpu/OkCaterpillar7770

The situation was messy, to say the least. OP had never pressured Susan to have kids, and Susan's accusation was completely baseless.

The fact that Susan had gone as far as to post about it on social media was shocking and hurtful. OP couldn't understand why Susan would do such a thing and wished that she had talked to her instead of lashing out.
