Former Google Employee Uses His Job Examples To Explain How Job Benefits Are Actually A Trick To Make You Work More

Everyone loves free perks at work, but most of the time, they are given by employers to make workers work more.

Former Google Employee Uses His Job Examples To Explain How Job Benefits Are Actually A Trick To Make You Work More

Motivation has always been a strong factor that affects an employee’s attitude to work. Employers understand the secret behind this motivation, and most of the time, they exploit it to their advantage.

Everyone loves free perks at work, but most of the time, they are given by employers to make workers work more, which means spending more time at work and neglecting other aspects of adult life that need attention too. Do you get free dinner at your workplace?

Or a gym at work? Do workers who stay beyond 8 o’clock in the evening get free rides home?

Are nanny services provided at no cost to mothers on business trips? Frozen eggs for intending mothers?

If so, have you ever considered that these companies that provide these perks may have ulterior motives? Those free rides home cunningly mean more incentive to work late and avoid spending time with family and friends.

Free dinners eliminate the need to leave the office after work to prepare dinner for yourself. Free plane tickets for your adorable child and her nanny?

Well, you no longer have any reason to decline that business trip. We can store your eggs so you can have children later.

But for the time being, your time to enjoy motherhood is ours. It's great to get a free dinner or a free flight for your baby and nanny, but many of these perks nudge workers in unhealthy ways, luring employees into a habit that encourages them to never leave the office.


GoogleThe Pancake of Heaven!

"When I worked for Google"

Ken Waks

When a former Google employee, Ken Waks, shared his thoughts on the free perks of one of the world's finest offices, the Googleplex, which includes a basketball court, sleeping pods, a 3-square meal option, and other perks that can easily lure any reasonable person, it rippled out to approximately 6.4 million TikTok users. 


Google has amazing perks

Google has amazing perksKen Waks

But there's a dark reason behind that

But there's a dark reason behind thatKen Waks

Well, it’s true that there’s a lot to take in.

Well, it’s true that there’s a lot to take in. Ken Waks

Three square meals

Three square mealsKen Waks

Just waiting for my meal

Just waiting for my mealKen Waks

The shuttle

The shuttleKen Waks

WiFi on the shuttles

WiFi on the shuttlesKen Waks

My pet is here with me, yay!

My pet is here with me, yay!Ken Waks

You can bring your dog to work

You can bring your dog to workKen Waks

Working for Yelp...

Working for Yelp...Ken Waks

Asked my director a question

Asked my director a questionKen Waks

Nonetheless, his argument that all of these free office perks are just fancy smokescreens set up to keep us working longer hours holds water.

Nonetheless, his argument that all of these free office perks are just fancy smokescreens set up to keep us working longer hours holds water.Mario Gogh

That's when we break even

That's when we break evenKen Waks

I prefer a higher salary

I prefer a higher salaryKen Waks

That's not how it works

That's not how it worksKen Waks

Last day at Crit

Last day at CritKen Waks

How the perks are designed

How the perks are designedKen Waks

Just to summarize it...

Just to summarize it...Ken Waks

Watch the Tiktok video below

Currently, there are no boundaries left in the world of work. There is no work-life balance.

There is no separation between work and home, nor between day and night. The few remaining boundaries, such as vacation time, must be respected at all costs!

Here’s what people had to say.

Can't wait for my badge

Can't wait for my badgelifewithebs

Another angle

Another anglefrak357

I see no perk darkness

I see no perk darknessdrewh34

This inclusive

This inclusivemegaguy123

A free 15 minutes break

A free 15 minutes breakcristofercolombus1

Like how?

Like how?ctulch

My favorite perk

My favorite perkmoonlemonchello

Why complain about these perks?

Why complain about these perks?felix19917

This is cap

This is capalvinsong5

This makes sense too

This makes sense toozjohmd

So dark

So darklifeofdavewest

So okay with it

So okay with ithornyseamonkey

Mega perk

Mega perkjenkemjones

Would choose this job anyday

Would choose this job anydaykatiescreative

When is a perk no longer beneficial? When is it a maneuver that actually encourages overworking?

Well, it’s left to you to find out why the free perks at work that you adore may not be as free as you believe. Also, let us know what you think about this post in the comments section below.
