Here Are 21 Dark Humor Tweets That Are So Twisted You'd Need To Be Messed Up To Truly Understand Them

"Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die."

Here Are 21 Dark Humor Tweets That Are So Twisted You'd Need To Be Messed Up To Truly Understand Them

Have you ever found yourself laughing uncontrollably despite knowing that the joke was offensive? That's the strength of dark humor jokes, a literary genre that reviewers have attributed to writers since the time of the Ancient Greeks!

You get the impression that dark comedy is intended to make you laugh in inappropriate situations. The idea is that, even though those around us might find it offensive, sometimes we need to laugh at the terrible things that life hands us with a well-delivered dark joke.

Although the idea of "dark humor" is not new, Andre Breton, a French surrealist, was the first to give the term in 1935. Dark-humor jokes often contain a hint of irony and cover subjects that are typically forbidden or difficult to discuss.

Not everyone will appreciate dark comedy tweets, and not everyone will understand them at first glance. To appreciate them, you have to be a little insane... Or weird... Or both...

That is just a question of taste; there is nothing wrong with it. Humor is a little twisted by nature, but no one said that you couldn't get a good laugh out of it.

"Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die," said Mel Brooks. So go right ahead and enjoy these dark-humor tweets that we've gathered up for you below.

1. Dark humor goes over well with the ladies... Or not

1. Dark humor goes over well with the ladies... Or notTwitter

2. It's not the first time America did that

2. It's not the first time America did thatTwitter

3. Monster that eats children who are bad

3. Monster that eats children who are badTwitter

4. Running in to find out what just happened

4. Running in to find out what just happenedTwitter

5. LoL.. you asked for it first

5. LoL.. you asked for it firstTwitter

6. Neglect is being defined in physical terms

6. Neglect is being defined in physical termsTwitter

7. Now what is Satan supposed to do?

7. Now what is Satan supposed to do?Twitter

8. Looks like Santa lost his temper again

8. Looks like Santa lost his temper againTwitter

9. Do you wanna see her puppy?

9. Do you wanna see her puppy?Twitter

10. When you're just feeding shelter cats to coyotes

10. When you're just feeding shelter cats to coyotesTwitter

11. Woah... This is a deep one

11. Woah... This is a deep oneTwitter

12. Someone is going to get fired pretty soon

12. Someone is going to get fired pretty soonTwitter

13. Facepalming right now

13. Facepalming right nowTwitter

14. That is so not funny at all

14. That is so not funny at allTwitter

15. Whatever you do, call your parents

15. Whatever you do, call your parentsTwitter

16. Do cyclists still need to be more afraid of cars?

16. Do cyclists still need to be more afraid of cars?Twitter

17. Which one is it for you? For me, it come when it comes

17. Which one is it for you? For me, it come when it comesTwitter

18. Making sure your day can't get any worse than it started... Really hilarious

18. Making sure your day can't get any worse than it started... Really hilariousTwitter

19. An infant's cracked soul is the equivalent of what he's holding. Do you agree?

19. An infant's cracked soul is the equivalent of what he's holding. Do you agree?Twitter

20. When does naps feel different for you? For this person, it's...

20. When does naps feel different for you? For this person, it's...Twitter

21. Losing what little joy you still have left in your life

21. Losing what little joy you still have left in your lifeTwitter

Irony requires a lot of mental effort on our part because it requires twice as much processing power in our minds as regular language does. Therefore, having a sense of it essentially means that your brain is better at coming up with original solutions.

However, if you overdo it, people might mistake your grim sense of humor for sociopath tendencies.
