Dakota Johnson Addresses Infamous Interview With Ellen DeGeneres, Dubbed The Most Awkward Moment In Ellen Show History

This viral Ellen Show exchange will be remembered for years to come.

Dakota Johnson Addresses Infamous Interview With Ellen DeGeneres, Dubbed The Most Awkward Moment In Ellen Show History

Awkward moments can create an unexpected spotlight, revealing more about people than carefully curated PR appearances ever could.

We’ve all experienced those instances—when the energy in the room shifts, and there’s nowhere to hide. But when Dakota Johnson sat across from Ellen DeGeneres in 2019, she handled such an awkward moment with remarkable poise.

Now, years later, the Fifty Shades Of Grey star addressed that encounter, which fans dubbed the "most awkward moment in Ellen Show history."

The moment that left audiences cringing started innocently enough. Ellen, known for her lighthearted interviews, asked Dakota about her recent 30th birthday party, implying that she hadn’t been invited.

Ellen quipped with her signature smile. But Dakota didn’t shy away. With a quiet but firm response, she corrected Ellen, saying that an invite had actually been sent.

The air shifted immediately as Dakota's honest demeanor cut through the friendly banter. Ellen, visibly taken aback, struggled to recover, and what followed was an awkward exchange that fans dissected for months after.

Fast forward to today, and Dakota Johnson has addressed that uncomfortable interaction. Reflecting on the viral moment, she acknowledged its awkwardness but showed grace in not dwelling on the drama. Her candidness in that moment, while surprising, felt refreshingly human.

Scroll down for more details on this intriguing story…

Ellen Vs Dakota Johnson

Ellen tried to keep things light, jokingly saying, "How was the party? I wasn't invited." But Dakota wasn't about to let that slide. With a calm yet direct tone, she corrected Ellen, "Actually, no, that's not the truth, Ellen. You were invited."

Dakota didn’t stop there. She reminded Ellen of their last encounter, "Last time I was on the show last year, you gave me a bunch of s**t about not inviting you, but I didn't even know you wanted to be invited... I didn't even know you liked me!"

When Ellen attempted to deny any memory of the previous exchange, Dakota confidently asserted with a simple retort: "Ask everybody."

Dakota wasn’t about to let this go without setting the record straight, "But I did invite you and you didn’t come."

What followed was a tense exchange that left viewers shifting in their seats. Eventually, Ellen conceded, albeit awkwardly, "You know what, I think I do remember I was invited, thank you."

The moment, though uncomfortable, seemed to fade into the background—until it unexpectedly reemerged when Johnson appeared on The Drew Barrymore Show, reigniting the buzz surrounding the infamous interaction.

The infamous exchange with Ellen DeGeneres was a hot topic when Dakota appeared on the Drew Barrymore Show

The infamous exchange with Ellen DeGeneres was a hot topic when Dakota appeared on the Drew Barrymore ShowCBS

During an interview, Drew Barrymore couldn’t resist diving into Dakota Johnson’s relationship with her neighbors, prompting a funny reveal. As it turns out, Johnson’s neighbor is none other than late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel.

With a playful smile, Johnson shared that while Kimmel and his family are great neighbors, "they have a lot of parties, and they don't invite me."

Sensing a perfect moment to revisit an infamous encounter, Barrymore cheekily followed up, asking if Johnson was really being left off the guest list—cleverly referencing that unforgettable exchange with Ellen DeGeneres.

The infamous interview was reignited on the Drew Barrymore Show

It’s been four years since that unforgettable exchange, but the internet isn’t ready to let it go. As the anniversary of the moment rolled around, social media was buzzing with people reliving the cringe-worthy encounter.

One user summed it up with, “Dakota really clowned Ellen at her own show,” Another post revisited the moment in detail, writing, “4 years ago, Dakota Johnson called out Ellen DeGeneres for lying about not being invited to her birthday party.”

But perhaps the most dramatic take came from a fan who declared, “Four years ago today Dakota Johnson ended Ellen's whole career with ‘actually that’s not the truth Ellen.’” The memory of that exchange still has the internet divided—both cringing and cheering.
