Dad Gets Mad At Older Son For Keeping Quiet About Younger Son Showing Up Home Drunk From Party
Sometimes it's situations like these that show you exactly the issues that are going on in your life.

We're back again with another AITA thread from Reddit that you all know we enjoy going over. A lot of the situations on here are very entertaining, and usually, people want to get some sort of unbiased advice from people that they don't know at all.
These threads get a lot of different comments on them describing different perspectives and opinions that people have on the situation, which is exactly why we love reading them. With this all being said, we are going to dive in and share with you a post that was submitted by a dad who wants to know if he's in the wrong for scolding his oldest son for not telling him where his younger one was.
This situation might sound bad but many people in the comments had a lot to say to OP about the possible way his parents and why his kids reacted to him the way that he did. People did have a lot to say, so we have a few awesome comments to read through as well.
If you're interested in hearing more about this situation and seeing the full post, then stay tuned as we dive in and give you the full look into the post and some of the best comments on it as well.
OP goes into some details on what the situation is with his son and his boyfriend, as well as the oldest sibling.

People quickly came to the comments to let him know that he is TA for how he acted because it shows how he is as a parent.

It's very fair to say that his kids don't really want to come to him with anything because of how he reacted.

A quick text may have been expected and we understand, but also the oldest is an adult basically.

It seems like everyone is saying that OP is TA for how he reacted and obviously for how he acts on a day-to-day.

The oldest is an adult and has a right to his home and who gets to stay there so we definitely have to agree with this.

We can agree with everyone when they say that OP is most definitely the AH in this situation.

It's definitely two sides to this but realistically we can assume why the kids didn't really want to reach out to the father after all of this happened.

This comment said it very simply but it shows exactly what everyone is probably thinking as they read through his post.

People are suggesting anger management or something similar because of how he reacted and we don't think that it's a bad idea.

This makes total sense and he should really reflect on how he's parenting and why his kids maybe wouldn't want to tell him.

We definitely think that OP needs to get his life together, and obviously, there's a lot that needs to be done when it comes to the parenting aspect. Overall, OP was deemed as TA for how he reacted and also for people assuming that they are probably acting that way because of how they are treated.
