Father Questions His Decision To Not Wake Up For Nighttime Baby Duties, Post Reveals Deeper Issues
This Reddit post honestly helped out this dad so much.
- Published in Interesting
We're back again today with yet another Reddit post, and this time, we're looking into the AITA thread, which is one that we do love to look into because there are so many different comments that are usually left on them. Plus, it's awesome to see the different types of posts that are submitted there.
With this being said, we are looking into a post that was submitted by a dad who is looking for advice on whether or not he should be waking up with his baby in the middle of the night even though he works and his wife at the moment does not work.
With this post came a ton of different comments about this situation, and it helped OP to open his eyes a little bit as to what is truly going on and what he should talk to his wife about. It turns out that there was something he should've been talking to his wife about, and this Reddit post made him realize it.
If you're interested in hearing the full situation and looking into the original post, then keep on reading as we dive in and give you all the details that you need to form your own opinion here.
He starts his post by explaining his job situation and what he has to do for work as well as what his wife is currently doing as well.
u/Banana_Hammock007He then gets into the true issue which is that she wakes up all the time and she's asking him to wake up with the baby sometimes even though he works, but he doesn't want to.
u/Banana_Hammock007He added a few edits after reading the comments and clarified a few things.
Banana_Hammock007This is when he came with an update on their situation and discovered some things about his wife that he didn't know and may not have known unless he did this Reddit post.
Banana_Hammock007Many people gave their opinions on this and told OP that he was not in the wrong here but maybe something else is going on instead.
New-Matter6671People were helping OP to see many different sides of this that he may not have seen previously so he can better support his wife.
New-Matter6671Some people felt that this just wasn't that complicated and it wasn't that serious for her to have asked him to wake up with the baby at night.
BentBen12OP was more than happy to have everyone giving him all the advice and insight that he needed without just chalking him to being an AH.
Banana_Hammock007This is how we htought a lot of people would be based on the title because people tend to jump to conclusions about this fairly quickly.
Jerseygirl2468This person asked for clarification and it just seems like OP is willing to give the people what they need here in order to make a decision.
TartAdorable7433It seems like many people do think that there's something else at play here and we have to agree.
MauiRomeWell, this was an interesting story. So many people commented on this post, and they were a little bit all over the place with their verdict, but it seems like OP is a genuine guy.
He also gave us an update that we're happy to come out of this because she seems to need all the help she can get right now.