30 Hilarious Tweets By Dads About Being A Dad

Dads are pretty funny, but Twitter dads are something else!

  • Published in Funny
30 Hilarious Tweets By Dads About Being A Dad

Dads are pretty funny, I know mine still is. He is 56 and still such a dad.

A little clueless as to what is going on, has no idea what he got me for Christmas, rips a fart in front of whoever is over... he's just a barrel of laughs. One thing he doesn't do however, is tweet.

He's a little mature for Twitter, so I have to enjoy his humour in person, but that's not the case for many modern papas. Twitter is FLOODED with hilarious dad-humour, and you can check out some of the funniest dad-tweets below!

Enjoy, and never pull their finger!

1. DAD!

1. DAD!ullr52

2. Such a great summary

2. Such a great summary simoncholland

3. If it doesn't make noise, it's probably ok.

3. If it doesn't make noise, it's probably ok. Gupton68

4. We love this!

4. We love this! cdouvos

5. Please not Johnny!

5. Please not Johnny! HenpeckedHal

6. 'Babysitting'

6. 'Babysitting' dad_off_my_feet

7. Politician in the making...

7. Politician in the making... daddydoubts

8. Nothing wrong with some facts...

8. Nothing wrong with some facts... mcnees

9. That's my guess, too.

9. That's my guess, too. XplodingUnicorn

10. Yes, it also turns your skin green.

10. Yes, it also turns your skin green. dadthatwrites

11. "See you weren't being careful!"

11. Spaziotwat

12. Must have been an emergency!

12. Must have been an emergency! Cheeseboy22

13. Somewhere in between.

13. Somewhere in between. VancityReynolds

14. Game changer.

14. Game changer. DadandBuried

15. Yikes

15. Yikes daddydoubts

16. Chocolate milk...

16. Chocolate milk... daddydoubts

17. Solve it!

17. Solve it! Average_Dad1

18. .... Ouch.

18. .... Ouch. dad_on_my_feet


19. BREAKING NEWS! bhgreeley

20. Wood Penguin

20. Wood Penguincrookedroads770

21. Lesson: 1. Wrap it!

21. Lesson: 1. Wrap it! dad_on_my_feet

22. Watch the joy leave their faces.

22. Watch the joy leave their faces. RodLacroix

23. Oh...

23. Oh... ItsAndyRyan

24. Syrup...

24. Syrup...HenpeckedHal

25. AMEN!

25. AMEN! mrdanwalker

26. Maybe...

26. Maybe... bwecht

27. That cult thing...

27. That cult thing... NewDadNotes

28. This made me HOLLER! SO DAMN TRUE!

28. This made me HOLLER! SO DAMN TRUE! Dadpression

29. and counting...

29. and counting...HenpeckedHal

30. Nothing more petrifying...

30. Nothing more petrifying... simoncholland