Cat Owner Finds Out Her Dad Is Trying To Rehome Her Cat Without Her Knowledge While She Was Away To Visit Her Mom

"It sounds like he was using the cat to get back at your mom."

Cat Owner Finds Out Her Dad Is Trying To Rehome Her Cat Without Her Knowledge While She Was Away To Visit Her Mom

Being lied to is a jolting experience. Realizing that the people you trust can sometimes deceive you will make a person see the world in a different light.

A more unsettling sensation is being lied to by your own parents. These are the people who shaped our morals and told us that lying is a bad thing.

Yes, our parents are humans who make mistakes and poor choices, but it's still hurtful when they lie to us. This young woman's dad betrayed her trust and what he did belongs to the bad parents' hall of fame.

OP's parents are divorced and she was visiting her mom's house when she received a message from her dad. He was asking her to send pictures of her cat, Raven.

OP asked him why but he kept evading her questions. So, she called him and he had no choice but to reveal why he was asking her to send pictures of Raven.

He told OP he was planning to give Raven away to one of their neighbors. He didn't bother asking for OP's permission.

This news made OP cry because Raven was a childhood pet but he said she was being dramatic. OP begged him to delete his post about rehoming the cat.

He begrudgingly deleted a few parts of the post where he claimed Raven was his ex-wife's cat that she refused to take when they divorced

He begrudgingly deleted a few parts of the post where he claimed Raven was his ex-wife's cat that she refused to take when they divorcedu/FROGarrow

He also tried to bribe OP with a gecko before she left for her mom's house and OP says this is not the first time her dad tried to rehome Raven without her permission

He also tried to bribe OP with a gecko before she left for her mom's house and OP says this is not the first time her dad tried to rehome Raven without her permissionu/FROGarrow

OP's mom and brothers are just as mad as she is. Her mom said that she is at least not the kind of parent who breaks her children's heart by giving away their only childhood pet. Should we even debate who's the a**hole here?

OP's mom and brothers are just as mad as she is. Her mom said that she is at least not the kind of parent who breaks her children's heart by giving away their only childhood pet. Should we even debate who's the a**hole here?u/FROGarrow

I have no authority over OP but I, too, give her permission to tell her dad how sh*tty he really is

I have no authority over OP but I, too, give her permission to tell her dad how sh*tty he really isLetThemEatHay

If the story is true, OP's dad is an extremely vengeful person who is using OP and her cat like pawns to get back at his ex

If the story is true, OP's dad is an extremely vengeful person who is using OP and her cat like pawns to get back at his exTeahouse_Fox

Like the comments above stated it was his way of letting OP's mom know he was giving their old cat away and hurt her in the process

Like the comments above stated it was his way of letting OP's mom know he was giving their old cat away and hurt her in the processFROGarrow

Knowing that OP will have to continue living with her dad after what he tried to do with Raven leaves a bad taste in my mouth

Knowing that OP will have to continue living with her dad after what he tried to do with Raven leaves a bad taste in my mouthchinua333, FROGarrow

OP and her mom can try looking into free legal assistance to see if her mom can have custody of her

OP and her mom can try looking into free legal assistance to see if her mom can have custody of herStraysmom

OP's dad is not above "accidentally" losing the cat, given that this is not the first time he tried to give Raven away

OP's dad is not above cdcme25

OP's dad is an awful human being

OP's dad is an awful human beingFROGarrow

At least, OP has one good parent she can rely on. Her mom doesn't seem to be the type of parent to give away their child's pet just to hurt her ex-husband.

At least, OP has one good parent she can rely on. Her mom doesn't seem to be the type of parent to give away their child's pet just to hurt her ex-husband.petmomintheBLC

What kind of parent uses their child's pet as a pawn in their sick, sick game? Who would give away a cat to hurt both your child and your ex-spouse?

OP is three years away from legally becoming an adult. She will be counting down the days until she can move out of her dad's home and live a merry life with her beloved cat, Raven.
