45 Of The Most Rewarding Moments Of Being A Dad
These men show how fulfilling it is to be a father.

Being a parent is one of the most challenging roles in life, and some even say that taking care of children is more demanding than working full-time. There's no manual for parenthood, and maybe you can ask for advice from your parents, friends, and other people, but undoubtedly, you cannot say that you are prepared enough until your child is born.
On the other hand, even if it isn't easy raising children, parents' priceless moments and rewarding experiences make everything worth it. As if all the stress and exhaustion from working all day long disappear whenever they see their children safe and happy.
Most of the time, women are usually more hands-on when it comes to children. However, it is important to note that although dads are busy working, spending time with their children gives them a different kind of happiness and fulfillment.
Sharing their proud dad moments in Reddit, the community named Daddit with over 290K members had this thread for dads to discuss birth announcements, achievements, struggles, funny experiences, and even parenting tips to support other dads. Compiling some of the best ones, you can scroll down and be amazed that these men had managed to be the best dad they can be.
1. Be like daddy.
"My daughter put her sandals inside my work shoes. So she could wear them and "be like daddy".

2. Dad kept his 4-year-old daughter's nail art.

3. The "I'm a dad" feeling.
"I worried before he was born that I wouldn't feel like a dad right away. But it all hit me like a freight train as soon as I saw him."

4. Twinning!
"Despite the odds myself as a fraternal twin graduated with fraternal twins. I couldn’t be happier."

5. Best thing this dad has ever done.

6. Double the trouble and fun.
"6 months ago we had 0 kids. Now me and my husband have 2, and it's been insanely stressful but insanely exciting at the same time."

7. Rich in minerals.
"Don't be jealous fellas, but my 3 year old made me car soup today. 10/10 would order again."

8. Nicely written.
"From my daughters daycare today. My eyes only got a little bit sweaty."

9. Cutting his son's hair for the first time.

10. Your order is ready.
"Dads: Buy your kid(s), regardless of gender, a kitchen. I get more done when I ask my son to “make me lunch” than any other toy out there."

11. Dad gives daughter the hairstyle to always make her feel like a queen.

12. Cuddle button.
"This little heart on my hand is called a "cuddle button". Since my wife died last year, my 4y/o daughter has hated being away from me."
"Her teacher draws this on both our hands when I drop her off at school and every time we press it, it sends a hug to the other. It helps her feel connected to me."

13. Wheelchair slash digger for Halloween!

14. The remake.
"First pic is me and my dad in 1990 while second is us with my son. Same house, same spot, same goofy grins."

15. Like a man.
"My 11 month old took his first steps today. Safe to say I handled it quite manly."

16. To more cancer-free years!

17. Daughter wanted to do her dad's hair although he's balding.

18. Manicure time!
"I’ve been a full time single dad since November, and today I took my girls to get our nails done. It was my first time and I love it!"

19. Baby's smile shows.
"Still not 100% sure what I’m doing. But these past 4 month have been the best!"

20. Men's bathrooms should have changing tables, too.

21. Coming through!

22. At last!
"Surrounded by women his whole life. Now he finally has the sons he’s always asked for."

23. Does it look good?
"I told my daughter. You leave your sh** in the living room I am going to try it on."

24. What it's like with three kids at home.

25. Work from home 2020 edition.
"In the future when someone ask what it was like to work from home in 2020. I'll just show them this picture."

Not everyone is blessed with such amazing dads, and these men are indeed a gift to their children, like how their children are a gift for them. They set the bar high for trying to be the best father they can be.
Did you enjoy these fatherly moments, too? You can like and share this story with your family and friends!
26. Welcome room.
"Just won a year long custody battle. Mom left state with the little one."
"She returns today. Hope she likes it."

27. It's a prank!
"Tonight is my first time watching the baby alone. I Photoshopped this and sent it to my wife."

28. The reason why.
"Mark Twain said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” I found my why."

29. Dad's feeding hacks.
"Found while cleaning out old photos. They would all scream for food at once so best thing I came up with to do 3 bottles simultaneously."

30. Special Hallooween
"Lost my wife to cancer in August so I pulled myself together and made costumes for our little ones. It felt so great."

31. When boredom strikes.
"My daughter showed me that she's been writing every number when she gets bored. So I dug up my very old notebook."

32. Working smart at 19 months.

33. Perks of being a single dad.
"It's not always easy being a single dad. But sometimes, I get to experience some things other dads might not."

34. Dad flexing his happy pill.

35. "Let it go."

36. Proud moment.
"Our son has sensory sensitives and doesn’t always like physical contact with others (as a part of his autism). He surprised me yesterday while we waited for the bus."

37. Reunited.
"Six months ago I moved from one side of the world to the other. When I did, I left my wife and kids behind."
"I FaceTimed them every day and worked my ass off to prepare a new life for them. They finally arrived!"

38. How to be a dad for those who don't have one.

39. Sweden's diaper dad.

40. Baby fighter.
"Proud dad moment. First few weeks in home made wheel chair (born with disability)."

41. Net Neutrality.

42. Before and after.
"27 years between photos of my daughter and me. She is now a lady and I’m still in the military."

43. Like father, like daughter.
"My six year old daughter has been asking for months to have a mohawk like her daddy so I cut it for her today. My kid is a right badass."

44. Roommate.
"Daughter (2 years old) wanted to sleep with the Skeleton in her room. You choose your battles..."

45. Quick and easy tips.
"We drive past a McD’s on the way to daycare and she always wants to stop and get hash browns (it’s expensive and takes forever). I started saving the wrappers and cooking frozen ones from ALDIs before we leave."
