Dad Leaves Kids At Home While There Was A Power Outage To Go Have Dinner With Friends
Understandably, the kids were far from pleased with their dad.

When you were kids and there was a storm or a power outage at home, would you have expected your parents to leave you alone? No, right?
Because that's not what a decent parent would have done. They would have stayed at home and made sure the kids were safe, had food to eat, and were cared for.
Even if they had scheduled hangouts with friends or games with their pals, they would have stayed home because even if the kids were capable of being left alone, it's still a parent's job to make sure they're okay in situations like those. Unfortunately, not every parent thinks that way just like Redditor MistyCottage's father.
When they went over to stay at their dad's, there were strong winds which unfortunately caused a power outage. Instead of staying with the kids through it, their dad decided they could handle themselves and left to have dinner with his friends.
As if that wasn't bad enough, he didn't even leave them any food. He expected them to just order or something like that.
The kids were understandably pissed and wouldn't you be as well in that situation? Now, when the kids ratted their dad out, he got upset for getting into trouble.
Does that make sense to you? Here's the whole story.
OP asks:

The dad preferred to go out with his friends rather than ensure his kids were okay in that power outage

And the dad still got upset for getting in trouble with the kid's mom over what he did

If we were the kids, we'd be pretty stunned that our dad would leave us at a time like that unless it's become a habit of his, of course. If he's been doing it before, then that explains it.
Still, the kids deserve a dad who would look out for them in those times. Isn't he aware that anyone could break into the house at that moment and do harm to the kids?
Anything could happen in that situation. As it seems though, the mom and the kids weren't the only ones peeved by what he did.
People in the comments section were peeved too. Here are the best comments.
1. There's nothing wrong with being honest about what the other parent did

2. It's annoying as well that he has something scheduled for the night that he has the kids over

3. It's his time with the kids and he should be spending it with them

4. They might be old enough to stay home alone but that doesn't mean he can skip his parent duties

5. He should have been a parent first and foremost

6. They have split time as it is with their parents and their dad isn't even with them in that time

7. He can schedule his outings when his kids aren't there

8. It can go both ways too

Some people might argue that the kids were old enough to take care of themselves and entertain themselves while the power outage was going on but a huge point is that it was supposed to be their time with their dad and he wasn't there. They had limited time with him and obviously wanted to spend time with him but they couldn't.
That can hurt a child.
If you were the kids, would you have felt the same way?
