Man Posts A Board With A Different Dad Joke Every Day In His Front Yard, And His Neighbors Love It

It's like twitter but for boomers

  • Published in Funny
Man Posts A Board With A Different Dad Joke Every Day In His Front Yard, And His Neighbors Love It

Dad jokes have been around since the first cavemen, and they will be when we make colonies on Mars. One puny epidemic can’t stop them…

A friendly neighbor from LA knows that laughter is the best cure and decided to do something about it. To cheer his neighbors, he placed a board with a dad joke on his lawn, and every day he would write up a new on. Needles that it is hitting its mark- the people appreciate the gesture and can’t wait for the next joke…

One Imgur user said, “This is how we Tweeted in the ’80s,” and we can’t shake the feeling it was better back then…

This man from LA posts one joke a day on his front lawn

This man from LA posts one joke a day on his front lawnJulesgirth Julesgirth Julesgirth Julesgirth Julesgirth Julesgirth

People really need cheering up since they were upset by the mixed messages that came from President Trump around The Holidays and his intentions to relax the isolation measures, which he later retracted.

He said then that all Americans must avoid going to work, eating out, being in groups, and traveling…

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s leading expert on the subject, urged President Trump not to relax the measures too soon. “Dr. Birx and I spent a considerable amount of time going over all the data, why we felt this was the best choice for us, and the president accepted it,” Dr. Fauci told the New York Times.

The people loved the idea:

The people loved the idea: