Jokes That Are So Far Up In The Dad-Jokes Scale That They Are Safe For Work
These are absolutely safe for work...

We've all been there, sitting in the car with some teenage friends, our dad driving us to the mall, or the movies... or a party. Everyone's have a great time and then dad starts cracking those dad jokes.
They're only half funny and when told by him... ugh the worst. However, now that we're a little more grown up, the dad joke, much like the dad bod, has had a serious resurgence.
Cheeky memes used to be all the rage, but now it's alllllll about the safe for work chain email of memes that are clean enough to send to your boss.
See, aren't they great!

Can't we all just get along?



We love corny

This one actually made me giggle..

LOL... Even better if Dad's name is Dave.

My dad would love this one

This has to be from a Christmas Cracker

buh-bum-bum-chhhh *mimics drumming*


One for the kiddos

Don't say it!!

... Nerd humour

Plain and simple LOL

Yeah, that's gonna be a no from me...

What a ham!

... wow

das so funny

Woodn't wait!

Shaken martini

This is GREAT!

I see what you they did there...

I swear a dad is at the bottom of this

One of the science folks

Let's dig a little deeper...

