Man Ignored By Family During Jail Time, Won't Help With Dad's Funeral After Getting Out
"There are a lot of emotions and resentments flying around"
- Published in Interesting
One of our greatest losses, for many people, is the death of a parent. A parent's passing signifies the end of a relationship we've known our entire lives, and saying goodbye to one is a life-changing experience.
We have no idea how our lives will be without our parents until it really occurs. Particularly when tragedy affects a parent, someone whose presence in your life may have never wavered, death's finality might seem almost unreal.
Yes, you've successfully completed growing up and reached adulthood, yet you would still require (and anticipate needing) your parents for many years to come. Even if their death was anticipated, the loss of their support, wisdom, and love can leave a tremendous void and sadness that may seem difficult to repair.
Or perhaps you and your parents had a tumultuous relationship or were estranged, which caused a roller coaster of conflicting feelings. The OP of today's story spent six years in jail, and neither his dad nor brother ever visited him once.
It did hurt the OP more than he could imagine, and he admits holding a bit of a grudge. Now, his dad is dead, and his elder brother is planning his funeral rites.
He reached out to the OP and asked him to help plan certain aspects of the service, but the OP refused.
The headline
Reddit/dxcfadcvvxxxxxxxxxx4It hurt the OP more than he could imagine, and he has held a bit of a grudge
Reddit/dxcfadcvvxxxxxxxxxx4OP's brother said that him being in prison was “shameful” to their dad
Reddit/dxcfadcvvxxxxxxxxxx4The Reddit post got hundreds of comments and we've gathered a bunch of them for you to read through below
Reddit/dxcfadcvvxxxxxxxxxx4OP's the AH for this redditor
Reddit/dxcfadcvvxxxxxxxxxx4They won't help the OP in life at all
Reddit/dxcfadcvvxxxxxxxxxx4This Redditor can't imagine being in such a scary place
Reddit/dxcfadcvvxxxxxxxxxx4The OP is welcome to his feelings
Reddit/dxcfadcvvxxxxxxxxxx4The OP should possibly improve the relationship with his brother
Reddit/dxcfadcvvxxxxxxxxxx4It's important to know if the OP's crime stopped them from visiting
Reddit/dxcfadcvvxxxxxxxxxx4They don't need the OP's shameful help
Reddit/dxcfadcvvxxxxxxxxxx4The OP and his brother are working to heal
Reddit/dxcfadcvvxxxxxxxxxx4This Redditor has a similar story to share
Reddit/dxcfadcvvxxxxxxxxxx4It takes a lengthy process to visit someone in prison
Reddit/dxcfadcvvxxxxxxxxxx4Mourning is individualized
Reddit/dxcfadcvvxxxxxxxxxx4The OP is in a really messy situation
Reddit/dxcfadcvvxxxxxxxxxx4The OP's not obligated to do what he doesn't want
Reddit/dxcfadcvvxxxxxxxxxx4OP's brother should respect his decisions
Reddit/dxcfadcvvxxxxxxxxxx4This Redditor grew up with relatives in prison
Reddit/dxcfadcvvxxxxxxxxxx4This isn't the time to air grievances
Reddit/dxcfadcvvxxxxxxxxxx4No one owes anyone prison visitations
Reddit/dxcfadcvvxxxxxxxxxx4People aren't disposable in most cases
Reddit/dxcfadcvvxxxxxxxxxx4From someone whose brother is in jail
Reddit/dxcfadcvvxxxxxxxxxx4Apparently, this story ignited a lot of questions from Redditors. Some wanted to know the crime the OP committed, while some were interested in knowing what the OP's previous record was like.
Some wanted to know if this was the last straw in a long line of arrests and criminal behavior, as they could see a family being fed up and distancing themselves after all that. However, the OP was declared the AH.