Dad Makes Relatable And Funny Post-It Notes About Parenting
Maybe we could all learn something from this dad

Parenting is not easy, especially if you are a single parent. But you are not alone. Chris Illuminati is a single dad of two young children and a very witty writer. He often shares hilarious but honest advice on parenting on his Instagram account.
He uses everyday situations as an inspiration for his short post-it-notes. They are a great combination of humor and wisdom, and they made his account immensely popular.
They will make you laugh, cry, and inform you at the same time. He reposts his work on A Message With A Bottle - if you need more advice or laughter.
He recently stated that the account came about totally by chance:
“The original idea behind the notes was just a personal joke the first time I was home alone with my son. I keep notes for my writing jobs so I wrote a note that said ‘Feed baby. Change baby. Don’t let baby die’ and stuck it on the board with my other notes.”
Best tips ever.
And it became a regular thing.
“So I thought ‘what if I left reminders for myself on how to be a better parent’ but those just evolved into jokes. I put them online and people really loved them.”
And basically, that’s how his Instagram account, now with more than 38K followers, was created! Parents love his notes because they are so relatable.
Dad jokes:
And tips:
And some touching messages:
Interesting idea…
Keep the tone down…
This is so true…
We don’t waste food
We need to be paid more….
Ok. Now we are all crying.