Pet Owners Share Moments And Pictures Of The Cutest Things They've Seen Their Doggos Do

We've got a business-minded dog, woofers acting like hoomans, silly pupperinos, and many more.

Pet Owners Share Moments And Pictures Of The Cutest Things They've Seen Their Doggos Do

Dogs have been known to show affection to their owners and even strangers. They wag their tails, give kisses, and cuddle.

All of these things make dogs irresistible. In other words, dogs have all the ingredients that make them inherently adorable.

But why are they so darn cute? Scientists believe that it has to do with evolution.

Dogs are descendants of wolves, and their cuteness is a result of years of breeding. Wolves that were less aggressive and more likely to be friendly were more likely to survive and pass on their genes.

And over time, these traits became more pronounced in dogs. So basically, we have evolution to thank for those puppy dog eyes.

Then there's the fact that dogs are such loyal and loving companions. They're always happy to see us, no matter how bad our day has been.

They're always ready for a walk, a cuddle, or a game of fetch. They're just so grateful for our companionship, and it's hard not to find that endearing.

Over at Quora, someone asked this question:

What is the cutest thing you've ever seen a dog do?

And boy did the users deliver! So now, we're going to overload your screens with some doggo cuteness thanks to the pictures and stories that dog lovers shared.

Negro uses his own currency.

Dogs are great learners and very trainable.
This is Negro;
He came to buy cookies, not with money. Negro buys his cookies with leaves.
Negro lives on the campus of Colombia’s Diversified Technical Education Institute of Monterrey Casanare. He had seen several students go to the store to buy cookies with paper money.
He wanted cookies, but had no money. Negro devised his own paper money. He goes to the store every day with a leaf in his mouth to buy cookies and the transaction has always been successful.
The dog is an entrepreneur.
Negro uses his own currency.Chukwuebuka Sunday


I once saw my then 7 month old Czechoslovakian Wolfdog pup scare the crap out of my wife: At that age he was constantly very near to me and completely bonded.
She came into our laundry room , where id been previously repairing a leaky pipe collar. Then she went to the washing basket .
After she put her hand in and removed the top towel…..This is what she saw greeting her……

He's so lucky to be able to capture that moment.

He was around 7 months old and not at all a small dog at that time.
He was ( gangly ) tall, and thin as a rake at that age.
He was thin enough to get into the basket But how he got under the washing in such a confined space and then turned himself 180 degrees inside it without tipping it over; To be able to poke his face out like this…
il never come to understand.
As for my reaction I put down my toolbox and tea mug went to her to find out what was ailing her.
And she stood pointing at the washing basket the top towel still in her other hand, neither laughing or crying. I looked inside saw this….. Then took the pic above and several other pics between fits of laughter
Here he is pictured at 102 days old complete with his mil id number and details in the magnetic ear tab he is pictured with at the military kennel that I collected him from…… After the project he was bred for was cancelled due to the Defence cuts caused by the general allied withdrawal from Sandland… And another distinct memory that i have is that his ear tips popped upright on his second day at home , to my great surprise. His sibling that remained a military dog took 13 days longer…..
Just an ole shepherd his dogs and flock:
He's so lucky to be able to capture that moment.Abe

This momma's obsessed.

But who wouldn't be with such cuties?

This momma's obsessed.Cynthia Daniels

Doggo senses are amazing!

This is Bobby, a golden retriever. He saved me.
He is truly the smartest and very affectionate to everyone. I usually take him to a huge natural park. He memorized all the trails in the park. There was high grass and tense trees and many slopes and wooden bridges. I park my car at the edge of the park and he jumps out of the car with excitement and always goes ahead of me knowing which large trail to take.
One day, I left the car in the same place to take a walk in the park. But this time was odd. He refused to go further ahead in the park. I tried to call him but he just sat and kept barking at me. So I said, if you don't follow I will keep walking ahead. I became about 200 yards away while hearing him barking.
Then he dashed running towards me and bit the edge of my pants and furiously tried to pull my leg. He was persistent not to let me take another step. I found it odd behavior, so I said “OK, you don't want to walk today. Let's go home then.”
He immediately went back towards the car, but he stopped every 20 yards to see me if I was following or not. Eventually we drove away to the lake shore. I thought he might have preferred to walk on the lake. Without hesitation, he happily jumped out of the car to walk taking the lead.
We walked around the lake for about 2 km until reaching the beautiful hotel over there. Then, we came back home. He didn't show any frustration and wasn't stubborn. I didn't understand his attitude in the park until the next morning.
I was sitting in a coffee shop having coffee and reading the newspaper. In the front-page is a big photo of a black bear. The article said that it was roaming in the same park where I was walking Bobby.
The police said, there were no incidents, and already drugged him and took him in a helicopter ride to the remote mountains. So now, I knew why Bobby was stubborn to go ahead in the park. I didn't see or hear any black bear. I wasn't even aware of that until the next morning.
Doggo senses are amazing!Dhirgham Murran


Once when I was walking down the street, a huge yellow Lab came and blocked my path. I was a little surprised and looked at his owner, who then asked me if I was pregnant (I was not showing yet). I said yes, and the owner said that the dog did this to all pregnant women as a protective move and would get out of my way once the crowd around us cleared.
Sure enough, in a minute the crowd that was walking around us crossed the street, and the Lab got out of my way and kept walking like it was no big deal. :)
LabVinati Singh, Goja1


Our puppy, Obi, was a corgi/terrier mix about 7 weeks old. It was too soon to housebreak him using the "crate method" so we put newspapers on the kitchen floor near the back door. He insisted on peeing in front of our dishwasher which was at the other side of the room.
One morning, my wife walked into the kitchen just as Obi was squatting to pee in front of the dishwasher. "NO!"she shouted as she scooped him up and put him down on the newspapers near the door. Then she went into the bathroom to shower.
I was in the living room. I heard a strange sound and looked up toward the kitchen. Through the doorway I saw little Obi walking backwards... with the newspapers in his teeth (!) ...dragging them across the room. He put them in front of the dishwasher, stepped onto them, squatted, and peed on the newspapers. :-)
NOTE: So many of you requested to see another picture of Obi… I just came across this one to share:


My dog, Sheldon, thinks he's a gamer.
When he was young, he would sit on the computer chair and stare at the screen trying to figure out what I was doing all day. So I would put the headphones on him and take pictures :)
SheldonSharma Das


My staffy (Tess) will allow the kids to do anything to her - obviously within reason I would never let them hurt her.
My niece (K) had been told off and had proceeded to lie on the kitchen floor in protest… Tess walked over, licked the tears from K’s face and nudged her head until she lifted it up. Tess then lay down and army crawled under Ks head and allowed K to use her as a pillow until she felt better and was happy enough to get up.
Once she got up Tess checked her face again for tears and started bombarding K with all her favourite toys until she was smiling again.
TessBethany Davies


Ottie had a slow thyroid so he was naturally really chunky.
Consequently, when we went swimming at the dog beach, he was highly buoyant.
If he got tired of paddling he would just sit there in the water floating perfectly like a buoy. Looking around watching dogs swimming by.
His entire back would be up out of the water. It got a lot of stares from people at the beach.
“Is your dog ok?”
Me: “Yeah he is just takin’ a breather. No big deal.”
OttieSean Kernan

Nito also wants to read.

My small friend, Nito.
I was trying to read. And there he is, on my lap.
Nito also wants to read.António Marranita

"Hooman, let's play!"

Picked up from the streets, as he was abandoned and nobody came for him after some days on the kennel. Has been with me for 5 years.
I have Muscular Atrophy (lack of muscular strengh, have to use a wheelchair). So he understood quite quickly that, if he wants me to play with him, not being able to reach the floor, he jumps onto my bed or otherplaces where I can reach him.
The moral of this story is: HE SHALL NOT LET YOU STUDY! Ever!
I’m always reading and studying, had him while I was taking a graduation on History, and I’m now attending a History, Literature and Linguistics master. But this little guy will never let me leave me alone to study!
Oh, is he behind me?
António Marranita

"What're you waiting for? Let's play!"

And now?
António Marranita

Nito's trying to send some telepathic signals.

So he keeps looking at me from behind... I can feel his piercing eyes, practicing his telepatic suggestion, asking "Play with me. Right. Now!"
So he must be behind me again, right?
Nito's trying to send some telepathic signals.António Marranita

Trying to bribe the hooman through entertainment

And now? I'm even not going to look back, he must be doing something cute and silly.
Trying to bribe the hooman through entertainmentAntónio Marranita

"These are some complicated stuff. So let's just play!"

Sometimes I have to explain him what I'm reading. See, this is Wittgenstein and Aesthetics. Get it?
António Marranita

Nito's ultimate move

Other times he will just go "to hell with the wait, I'll convince him with my teeth". Come on, man, stop it!
Nito's ultimate moveAntónio Marranita

Eagerly waiting for his hooman

And again, and again...
*rolling my eyes* He is there, isn't he?
Eagerly waiting for his hoomanAntónio Marranita

Nito wins!

Sometimes I just give up, let me just put my book under my arm and just enjoy the sun with him.
Nito wins!António Marranita


Our dog Lyla is too sweet for her own good. She whimpers when we squeeze squeaky-toys because she thinks we're making it cry. But... She still likes playing with the toy! Especially one particular squeaky tennis ball. So she'll grab it delicately in her mouth, and start to play very gently.
One time, she got carried away and started to toss around the tennis ball and catch it in her mouth. Then she got REALLY excited and accidentally bit down -- making it squeak. She IMMEDIATELY dropped the ball with a stricken look and whimpered miserably. She proceeded to pick it up gingerly in her mouth like it was a puppy, and carried it back to her kennel to lick it back to health.
Awww!Misty Melsheimer

German Shepherd outside, Golden Retriever inside.

My 4 month old GSD is the darndest thing ever. He has the body of a German Shepherd but the mind of a Golden Retriever. Once I played a video on my phone of someone crying to see how he would react and when he heard it, he did his iconic puppy head tilt and ran towards my phone.
To my surprise he started whimpering and nudging it with his nose. Then he started licking it and pressing his head onto the speakers. So cute!
German Shepherd outside, Golden Retriever inside.Robert Adan

Inti's adorable antics

Meet Inti.
Though I feed her, she is not exactly my pet.
I live away from home, and she is a stray who lives outside my rented flat.
My roommates aren't that fond of dogs, so when I am home alone, sometimes I bring her in. She likes it too.
One afternoon I was alone and it was raining and thundering. I opened the door to check on her, she was curled up in the corridor. As soon as I opened the door she came running inside. I told her to sit and went to the kitchen to get some food for her.
When I came back she wasn't there!
I looked around and found her in front of the mirror. Staring at herself, wagging her tail.
She was so curiously staring at herself, tilting her head at different angles to get a better look.
She has memorized the time I return and waits for me to come back. If somehow she misses that, she comes to my balcony door and howls.
Whenever I come back from my hometown, she cries and complains for quite long.
She is absolutely adorable!
Inti's adorable anticsDeya

Bella's sweet gesture

This is Bella (short for Bellatrix, as in Lestrange):
Despite being named after the Dark Lord’s right-hand in battle, she is the sweetest pooch I’ve ever met, and as so, she’s done many adorable things. However, one thing she did last winter stands out in particular.
It was right around Christmas time, and I was sitting in my room eating a candy cane. She came up to me wagging her tail happily, so of course I started to pet her with my spare hand, which only made her happier. She was looking at my candy cane; naturally, I assumed that she wanted it, because that’s just how dogs are.
After being pet and staring at my candy cane for about thirty seconds, she walked out of the room, only to return a few seconds later with a candy cane in her mouth (she’d taken it off the tree), which she proceeded to bring over and set gently on my lap as if to say, “Hey mom, I know you like these, so I found another for you!”
I nearly died from the adorableness overload.
Bella's sweet gestureMorgan Spor

Smol gal knows how to persuade her hoomans

This ranks up there in my set of puppy photos - she was about 12 weeks old and would get tired out on her (short) walks. This was her passive aggressive way of saying 'I'm done'.
Also this, from about 10 weeks old - my husband saying good bye in the morning. She came and sat on our feet so we'd stay put.
Smol gal knows how to persuade her hoomansCrystal Ciancutti

It’s hard to resist those big eyes and wagging tails, even when we know they’re just asking for a good belly rub. And really, is there anything better than coming home to a furry friend who’s been waiting patiently all day for you? We think not.

Dogs truly are man’s best friend. We, humans, are so lucky to be loved by them.
