40 Of The Weirdest Photos You Will Ever See Online, Curated By The Cursed Image Dealer
They post a lot of, well, cursed images on Instagram.

Let's face it, people love reading spooky stories. Everyone in their right mind goes through their web search histories and sees a long list of articles they read just because they were interested in the subject.
Way too many of these articles have titles something like "10 Most Terrifying Insects In The World" or "13 Scariest Cryptozoological Stories Ever" or "Crazy Haunted House Photos" and people just love to dive in to spook and satisfy themselves. It's not only the stories they love indulging themselves with though, people also love being weirded out by creepy images posted online.
Indeed, there is truly nothing more captivating than a confusing image on the Internet that makes us scratch our heads or make us have goosebumps. It's quite amusing to think that no matter how much we convince ourselves that we are normal, we always seem to enjoy all the weird stuff and watch all the gory shows such as American Horror Story, or even spend the night watching serial killer documentaries.
As said by P.T. Barnum, "People are fascinated by the unusual and the macabre." So true, so true.
That being said, an Instagram account called Cursed Image Dealer has curated a lot of weird and disturbing photos online, all for their over 195k followers to see. No one really actually questions where these photos came from, the important thing is that they effectively creep us all out!
Check out 40 of their best posts below!
1. Dramatic dog

2. Your very own car chandelier

3. Penguins aren't so cute now, are they?

4. Gross

5. Did anyone just gag?

6. This character is still locked

7. Now no one can steal it

8. Someone got their creative mode on

9. Furry shorts

10. Why would someone ever want this as a pet?

11. Check the mirror

12. A stack of doll heads...seems legit

13. Well, time to turn off the Internet

14. The iconic Overly Attached Girlfriend

15. Flesh cans

16. If a group of cats were humans

17. This is hella weird until you realize real teeth have gaps in them

18. Where Platform 9 3/4 actually leads to

19. A literal hairbrush—more disgusting than disturbing

20. Great Halloween spirit

21. Ice cream for headache?

22. The real pizza party

23. This boy is on fire, literally

24. A huge drumstick

25. Let's go for a ride!

26. What the hell is this?

27. She's all legs

28. What if the same amount of eyes were on the front?

29. This is actually a great aesthetic (for some people)

30. Mismatched centaur

31. Egg, everyone's favorite

32. Denture combs

33. Someone celebrating their life and a lot others losing theirs

34. Stop swapping faces with literal mannequins

35. This is NOT Chewbacca!

36. Bloody Adventure Time

37. Pancake Barbie

38. What kind of titan is this?

39. This is too much for a room

40. Having fun with dentures

We love being creeped out but some of these almost drew the line—they are just plain creepy! Sometimes, when we see stuff like this when we scroll through our social media, we just can't help but get drawn to it, even though some of them are quite disturbing as hell.
Comment down your thoughts, or share these photos to spook out your family and friends!
