30 People Share Obvious Things They Just Relized, And They Are Eye-Opening

The little things we didn't know are becoming clearer

30 People Share Obvious Things They Just Relized, And They Are Eye-Opening

Unexpected and significant occurrences in life have the power to permanently alter who you are. While certain epiphanies may hurt in the moment, if they help you discover your true self, they will ultimately be quite beneficial in day-to-day living.

We all experience epiphanies in life, and the world is always changing around us. Furthermore, we cannot ignore the truth that life is more about the trip than the destination.

We pause and linger on the moment of certainty because there are times in life when the small things seem to become very clear, and we do not want to miss out on what life is really about. But despite our best efforts to maintain stability and constancy in our lives, change is always present and lurks in the background.

Everybody experiences their "aha!" moment at a different time. We have a list specifically for you, whether you've just learned how to use a popular kitchen tool correctly or you've finally realized that "espresso" shouldn't be pronounced with a "x"!

This web user asked about an obvious thing people recently realize and replies were given. The thread had over 8K comments with some really insightful responses, in addition to 8K upvotes.

More info: Reddit

The OP asks...

The OP asks...Reddit

1. "The reason Lead is Pb on the periodic table is due to the Latin word for lead, which is the same root of the word for plumbing, because the Romans made pipes out of lead."

1. Stormygeddon

2. "The Royal Family is named after Windsor Castle, not the other way around"

2. Catastrophist89

3. "That my doctor was right. I need to start using a cane and stop being stubborn."

3. SVS_Writer

4. "My grandson just figured out I am his mothers mother. He just can't understand why I tell him we have to ask his mom to do some things. Why can't I just tell his mom we are going to do something? I am her mom therefore, her boss!"

Below, people share the incredibly obvious things they had only recently understood and you can read all about it as you scroll.

4. Individual_Serious

5. "That when a cat comes running up to me when I'm out for a walk, they are seeing me with the same excitement and novelty as I'm seeing them! That realization really made my day."

5. MallardCat

6. "Eminem calls himself Eminem because his name is Marshal Mathers"

6. djskunkybeerz

7. "Despite their warm and friendly ourward appearance, Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult. I'm a raised JW and I'm fading out of the organization."

7. JubilantJayde

8. "Stripper poles rotate and are not fixed. I always just assumed the dancers spun around the fixed pole through incredible body strength."

8. Working-Inflation-61

9. Spiked pepsi

Growing up, my grandparents religiously had a 3:00 PM “Pepsi” time. Like Tea Time, I guess, but with Pepsi. Every time we were over there, it happened. We all enjoyed a crisp, fizzy, cold Pepsi.

At 43 years old, I was telling that story this week, when I suddenly realized theirs were most likely spiked.

9. Spiked pepsiFire_In_The_Skies

10. "Pipe cleaners aren’t just for arts and crafts. They’re also for cleaning pipes. I'm 35 and oh so ashamed of myself."

10. GozerDaGozerian

11. "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is referring to distance and not depth"

Edit: Yeah, sorry I meant horizontally and not vertically…it’s all distance

11. xfadedxgloryx

12. "That birds don't live in nests. Nests are just where they keep their eggs. Birds just sleep in trees."

12. Rey_Reddits

13. "I didn’t realize that in the song “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus”, the DAD was in a Santa costume…and Mom wasn’t committing adultery with a magical, fictitious old man…"

13. FabulousCallsIAnswer

14. "That my glasses were on my the top of my head the whole time I was looking for them."

14. TrailerParkPrepper

15. Being negative

I spend too much time choosing to be negative when I could really be happy. After a vacation I had a major attitude adjustment and applied to school in the town I visited. Suddenly debt doesn't depress me, cause I'm accumulating it for reasons I know are worth it. In the past few weeks I've journaled mostly optimistic things, and today I realized I had spent over half of the journal talking myself into a deeper hole. I can't unwrite it now, but that just makes me value the pages I have left so much more. I don't want my life to be a journal full of sad thoughts. I want to be happy.

15. Being negativeFlat_Bodybuilder_175

16. "When getting an eye exam you are asked which looks better 1, or 2. If they are identical or too close to call, you have a 3rd option. The same. They never told me that."

16. No_Lecture9474

17. Wholesale block

17. Wholesale blockToBeReadOutLoud

18. "A couple years ago I realized pickles were just pickled cucumbers. Not sure why, but I never realized this and always thought pickles were just pickles."

18. TsakalidisTzatziki

19. "That the phase “bottom of the hour” means 30 min past the hour because the hand is at the bottom of the clock."

19. Sasquatchboy16

20. The new way

20. The new wayDWright_5

21. "That Alucard from Castlevania just means Dracula backwards .. Felt so dumb for not seeing the extremely obvious"

21. dershmoo

22. Cows and milk

22. Cows and milkSaltyseabanshee

23. "Soft drinks are called soft drinks bc they don’t contain alcohol. Hard drinks do."

23. heres-to-life

24. "That the pilgrims from the American Thanksgiving were called pilgrims because they were on a pilgrimage of sorts."

It took me seeing a news report while I was in Portugal last November and I said to my wife "oh you use the same word for pilgrims and pilgrims like we do in English"

"Yes" she replied "because they were pilgrims on a pilgrimage"

24. RaggamuffinTW8

25. "You do not have to make the entire box of pasta all at once"

25. PM_Me_UrRightNipple

26. Agree to disagree

26. Agree to disagreeEgboxerpro

27. Pets do die

27. Pets do dieMuch_Cantaloupe8957

28. Really?

28. Really?RedWasatchAndBlue

29. Bright yellow case

29. Bright yellow caseBitterOldPunk

30. "Even after hitting rock bottom, you can still keep digging."

30. satalfyr

Realizing that life is a constant flow can help you accept and welcome each moment as it arrives. Have you realized something and you want to share?

Leave your replies in the comments section below and don't forget to share this post as well to get other people's response as well.
