Man Warns Aunt Her Cruelty Toward Cat Could Alienate Her Ex Forever
"She only nods along when she’s with her bf and he is tipping."

Sometimes, people fight over things that seem small but are big deals because of what's happening in their lives. OP's aunt's boyfriend's cat had recently been euthanized due to cancer.
Despite their series of arguments leading up to it, he had spent money on new catnip toys and treats to spoil the cat in its last moments. After the cat was put down, OP's aunt expressed her belief that it was a waste and criticized his actions as pointless.
Subsequently, her boyfriend did not contact her for three days.OP was already familiar with his aunt's attitude towards money, recalling incidents such as arguments over tipping at restaurants.
He observed that she tended to only agree with her boyfriend's tipping habits in his presence. It hadn't occurred to OP that his aunt might also exert control over her boyfriend.
She sought his opinion as a male on what her boyfriend might do and how long it might take for him to contact her again. OP cautioned her that there was a possibility he might not reach out at all.
OP's father intervened, advising against dampening his aunt's hopes further, given that she was already aware of her mistake.OP is questioning if they overreacted by being honest.
OP's aunt's boyfriend's cat was euthanized due to cancer, he spent money on treats for the cat's last moments and OP's aunt called it pointless.

OP's aunt is tight with money, for her birthday, and she almost caused a scene arguing about the tip.

She asked for OP's opinion on her boyfriend's behavior and OP warned her he might not call back.

Making her understand the seriousness could lead to a genuine apology.

She sought OP's opinion, and he provided it.

She lacks empathy and deserves to face consequences for her callousness.

She didn't support him.

OP's aunt's lack of empathy suggests she could benefit from therapy to repair her relationships.

It's his choice if he wants to spoil his cat in its final days.

As an adult, she must acknowledge her actions.

She needs to address her controlling behavior.

She knew she was wrong, she should have apologized without waiting for him to act.

The woman lacks empathy and is tight-fisted.

OP's dad's approach to dealing with OP's aunt isn't a good example to follow.

OP's aunt should apologize sincerely.

It could have been a wake-up call for her boyfriend.

OP's aunt wasn't very understanding when her boyfriend spent money on his sick cat. She didn't seem to care about her boyfriend's feelings.
She asked OP for advice, and he told her what he thought. It seems like she might have a problem being caring and might be too controlling. She should realize how her actions affect others and maybe talk to someone about it.
At the end of the day, it's up to her boyfriend how he wants to treat his cat, and she should support him instead of being mean.
