Teen Cruelly Dismisses Cousin's Feelings About Being Left With Dog While Others Enjoy Family Vacation

"I was a bit annoyed and told her that she needs to focus on helping the family and especially the dog, who is depending on her to take care of him."

Teen Cruelly Dismisses Cousin's Feelings About Being Left With Dog While Others Enjoy Family Vacation

Being financially challenged isn't just tough on the budget. It is also mentally straining.

No wonder users of the "Am I The A**hole?" (AITA) subreddit didn't side with a young Redditor who said hurtful things toward her older cousin. Let's take a look at her story.

The original poster (OP) tells the community that her family has a Golden Retriever that they love very much. Currently, her older cousin resides with them because of financial problems.

While not as enthusiastic about the dog, the cousin is polite and wouldn't do the dog any harm. Recently, the OP's family planned a trip to visit grandparents out of state. Since the grandparents are allergic to dogs, the family asked the cousin to stay home with the dog, to which she agreed initially.

However, on the day before the trip, OP overheard her cousin expressing disappointment about not being able to join due to her travel limitations and lack of enthusiasm for dogs. In frustration, the OP confronted her cousin, urging her to prioritize helping the family and their pet.

She then dismissed her cousin's feelings, insisting she needed to adjust her attitude. The OP then wanted to seek validation and shared the incident with a friend, who suggested her response was harsh.

Despite this feedback, OP remained firm in her belief that her cousin should fulfill her commitment with a positive demeanor.

The OP's question:

The OP's question:Reddit

The OP's cousin lives with them because of financial struggles.

She isn't a fan of dogs, but the OP is sure she won't do anything bad to their beloved dog.

The OP's cousin lives with them because of financial struggles.Reddit

Her family decided to visit her grandparents in another state. But they can't bring the dog because of allergies.

So the OP's family asked the cousin to babysit the dog while they're away

Her family decided to visit her grandparents in another state. But they can't bring the dog because of allergies.Reddit

She discovered that her cousin was a little sad after the conversation.

She discovered that her cousin was a little sad after the conversation.Reddit

Instead of being understanding her cousin, the OP chose to be judgmental of her cousin's feelings.

Instead of being understanding her cousin, the OP chose to be judgmental of her cousin's feelings.Reddit

This is not what you say to a person who's already has too much life burdens.

This is not what you say to a person who's already has too much life burdens.Reddit

Unfortunately, the OP doesn't recognize her faults.

She decided to be judged by AITA users.

Unfortunately, the OP doesn't recognize her faults.Reddit

The one who previously took care of the family dog was her friend.

Unfortunately, they can't babysit the dog at the time the OP's family needs.

The one who previously took care of the family dog was her friend.Reddit

The OP didn't even recognize the the time and sacrifice the cousin is giving her family.

The OP didn't even recognize the the time and sacrifice the cousin is giving her family.Reddit

A couple of Redditors agree she's treating her cousin the way Cinderella was bullied.

A couple of Redditors agree she's treating her cousin the way Cinderella was bullied.Reddit

It was such an immature response.

It was such an immature response.Reddit

It's the OP who needs to get over herself, according to this Redditor.

It's the OP who needs to get over herself, according to this Redditor.Reddit

She had zero empathy toward her cousin.

She had zero empathy toward her cousin.Reddit

The OP treats her cousin as if she's also not part of the family. The comment was dismissive — something that was better left unsaid.

Sure, she can be annoyed at her cousin if that's how she feels. But at the same time, she needs to recognize that her cousin will spend time and effort for the sake of the beloved family dog.

She should be thankful instead of critical and appreciate the sacrifice her cousin is making.
