15 Creepy Home Alone Stories That Will Make You Think Twice About Staying Home Alone
Sometimes, home isn't the most relaxing place to be alone.
- Published in Interesting
When we think of spooky places, we usually picture abandoned buildings, strange cabins in the woods, an empty campsite in the middle of nowhere, or generally things that we see in horror films. The last thing we'd visualize would be our own homes.
That's because our homes are supposed to be the safest places for us or at least the most relaxing. It's your space and where you can be most free after all.
Unfortunately, the creepy and haunted don't have boundaries. They don't care if the place is your home and if you don't want them there.
They will just be there watching your every move and waiting for the right moment to let their presence be known. But that's only for the newer houses.
For old homes though, creepy things kind of come like an expectation. There might be something and there might be not.
No matter what it is, it's not a fun experience to suddenly discover something else that you can't always see as living in the house with you, especially when you're home alone.
Still, they're interesting to read about. So here are a few stories of people who've had creepy experiences in their own homes while they were alone.
P.S. Don't read these alone or in the dark.
1. This is one of the worst ways to get woken up in the morning
catsandalcohol132. The ghost didn't want them counted out just yet
Th4ab3. Maybe the man with the hat and coat was a sign
Yuk1yuk114. Please tell us they got their home some kind of protection or something like that
blackesthearted5. This person absolutely made the right call with this one
rhinestone_eyes-6. "Sometimes, it likes to crawl on all fours" - Probably one of the scariest lines we've read
xo_Derpasaur_ox7. Making a mess might be the favorite past time of their ghost
bubbisha8. The ghost was not pleased with the mess
smriversong9. The thing this person saw seems more like an alien rather than a ghost who must have been sent to Earth for samples
Homelander4410. Maybe the dog was the sweet little old lady's means of protection and she just forgot to call it off the delivery guy
OhYeahThrowItAway OhYeahThrowItAway OhYeahThrowItAway11. The ghost of the place must have been trying to give this person a big warm welcome and also introducing themselves
dontatmekay12. Maybe not really a ghost but perhaps a spy or a terrorist looking to do some snooping, stealing, or kidnapping to wreck some havoc
ExplosiveDisassembly13. It's always better if the thing that's hiding behind an object at your house doesn't peek out
SatanWithFur14. We think it's a lot better he didn't see what the dog was so mad at or else he would have been traumatized
Emcee_Such_N_Such Emcee_Such_N_Such Emcee_Such_N_Such15. We bet this person wasn't able to get one drop of sleep that night. How can they?
thingsfallapart89All these stories have definitely given us the heebie-jeebies. And we do really feel for the people who went through those horrifying encounters.
It's not always easy to get a first-hand experience with the ghosts you're living with, you know? If it were us, we'd probably be set off looking for a new house to live in.
Now, we hope you've made sure you're the only one in your room after reading this. Happy sleeping!