Here Are 30 Creepy Facts That You Will Wish That You Could Un-Read
Some things are just better not to know...

I'm sure many of us have had a conversation that includes the phrase "hey! fun fact..." and then the conversation proceeds to discussing something interesting that may not be general knowledge. The alternative phrasing of this is "did you know that..."
When you hear these phrases, sometimes you are filled with dread at the thought of having to sit through a conversation that you just straight up do not care about, or have to admit that you already know it. There was a thread on Reddit that asked: "What morbid fact do you know?"
Read on to find out some very creepy and spooky facts that you may wish that you could un-know. But, if you want to add to the scariness, add yours to the comments below.
(Obviously, major content warning for this post!)
"If bodies are kept in coffins that are sealed tight enough, such as the in wall type of memorial, sometimes enough gases can build up that the body basically explodes and can spill out onto the ground."
"In Formula 1, safety belts were not mandatory until 1972.
Before then, drivers believed it better to be ejected in a crash, and either die instantly from a broken neck or suffer many broken bones.
The alternative, they thought, was to be trapped and essentially cremated alive should the gas tanks ignite."
3. No, Bambi...
"A professor at my lecture today said that deer will lay on decaying corpses because they produce heat and the deer like that. Basically deer treat corpses as their personal sauna."
"You can tell someone is dead dead by trying to move their jaw. It's one of the first body parts to show signs of rigidity.
"Before you die, your last words could be, "I don't feel so good."
I was a paramedic for 15 years and heard dozens of people's final words. The phrase I heard most often, possibly from half to three quarters of them, were some form of "I don't feel so good." I've also heard, "Wait, somethings wrong." "Somethings happening." "I don't feel right." "Wait, somethings wrong." "It's happening." "Oh no, Oh no."
People feel the blood leaving their brain I think. Must be like a rush."
6. Well...
"Physiologist here: A lot of people die of a heart attack by straining too hard while pooping. It's pretty common."
7. Always take the stairs folks
"There's been multiple cases of people actually ending up being eaten by an escalator."
"After the Pulse night club shooting, when the cops were investigating, you'd think it was pretty quiet in there.
It was actually a cacophony of ringing cell phones. So many friends and loved ones calling people they knew were there, hoping they'll answer the phone and say they're ok..."
"There is a parasite called Dracun culiasis, or more commonly "Guinea worm" that can enter your leg through drinking infected water. You won't notice anything until ~1 year later, when a small portion breaks the skin to release larvae. At this point, it's a meter long.
A. Meter. Long.
And it has to be extracted centimeter by disgusting centimeter.
NTDs are the stuff of nightmares."
"As a Stryker saw cuts through the skullcap during an autopsy, the smell created is exactly like Fritos."
"On Mt. Everest, you have the rainbow valley, the last zone to climb to reach the peak. Which sounds cute but it's really the colorful jackets of dead climbers who are frozen in time against the white harsh snow.
Also, when close to the peak, the oxygen levels are so low that the body is starting to die. You only have a few minutes to reach the top."
"The astronauts of space shuttle Challenger didn't die until the spacecraft hit the ocean. They fell through the air for almost 3 minutes."
"With the proper vaccuum system, the human body can be drained of all its blood in 11 seconds."
"The second person to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel surviving with very serious injuries was Bobby Leach. 15 years later, he slipped on an orange (not banana) peel on the street. This fall caused a leg infection so bad he eventually passed away from the medical complications it caused."
15. That's intense
"Before being born, shark fetuses fight each other to live not having enough nutrition supply for both of them. After developing enough, they begin to battle, the winner gets to eat their sibling and its supply"
16. Oh
"Second hand fact, so I’m hoping I’m right. Dying due to being encased in concrete is horrifying. You don’t crush or asphyxiate so much as burn as the concrete sucks all the moisture from your body; also, it lets off heat as it dries. Probably the worst way to go I can think of."
17. Hope this isn't the next pandemic...
"Before modern medicine, there was this illness called miserere (mercy). Basically, if you had it, you were puking your own feces and you were sure to die in great pain. It's caused by obstruction in intestines."
"Most people trapped in the titanic as it went under did not die drowning. Rather, they were killed by water blasting into the ship’s hull at great speed. At those pressures the water would cut and crush you before it even had the chance to enter your body."
19. Hm
"Death by strangulation can turn teeth pink. The stress on the pulp chambers causes it to hemorrhage, so the blood colors the inside."
20. I have learnt too much about casket liquids from this thread
"Mausoleums have not only a ventilation system to prevent smells, but the crypt slots are angled towards the back and have a drainage system for uh...liquids coming out of the caskets.
Airtight caskets are a problem in mausoleums because the body liquifys inside and can build up so much gas that the lid can almost explode off of the caskets, sometimes even breaking the stone slab at the entrance of the slot.
Can you imagine walking through a mausoleum and suddenly the slab to a slot just shatters from the inside?"
21. :(
"Many pets die because their owner dies unexpectedly and nobody comes to check on them in time."
22. That's nice
"I have heard that bears doesn’t kill you. They basically eat you and you eventually die"
23. Welp..
"Not morbid but unnerving, at any time without any warning you can die of a brain aneurysm and there is litterally nothing you can really do about it. Anyone can have one."
24. Love that
"your digestive system is one long unbroken tube from mouth to anus with a sphincter muscle on each end. basically your mouth is just the other side of your butthole."
25. That's pleasant!
"Oh here's another one. During the French Revolution (Robespierre etc) and the usage of the guillotine. The people to be executed fought to be first, as the blade would dull after use and wouldn't cut a head clean off in once. Meaning people who are behind the line had to be beheaded in multiple attempts"
26. I would like to unread this
"When you die, you will be aware you are dead until the moment your brain fully ceases function. I wish I didn't know this."
"When whales reach a certain age they will eventually be to weak to swim back to the surface for air. So they will just suffocate to death and eventually sink to the bottom of the ocean.
But at least when they sink to the bottom of the ocean their bodies will create sprawling ecosystems that will last for a good few years.:)"
"We know how long humans can survive in cold seawater because the Nazis made several tests with concentration camp prisoners, putting them in baths of cold water, timing how long they survived."
"There was a phenomenon in the 1500’s where people would literally dance themselves to death. They couldn’t stop and about 15 people were dying every day."
"If you get sucked into a black hole, instead of someone seeing you being sucked in, they see you start to turn red, then fade away"
31. To end on a (slightly) better note...
"Youd have to kill about 300 people and extract the iron from them to literally make a sword from the blood of your enemies"
