15 Life Hacks From Creative People That Are Sure To Make You Smile
Sometimes, the absolute best ideas are the simplest ones. And that is certainly true of this list!

Technically speaking, the original definition of the word "hack" is "to cut with rough or heavy blows." But nowadays, the term is more commonly extended to "life hack," meaning "a strategy or technique adopted in order to manage one's time and daily activities in a more efficient way."
In other words, a life hack is an idea that helps make your life a whole lot easier! And we have 15 life hacks to share with you today.
Have you ever come up with a genius idea that you just have to share with everyone? Well, these Reddit users have, and we're sharing them with you today!
Whether you're struggling to carry multiple shopping bags all at once, you keep spilling shampoo in your suitcase, or you need a makeshift lock for your car door, these Redditors have got you covered!
Sometimes, the absolute best ideas are the simplest ones. And that is certainly true of this list!
I mean, who knew you could put the head of a watering can on a hose to make a fun sprinkler for the pool? Or that you can wrap tin foil around a candle to re-level it?
These Redditors did, that's who! Keep scrolling to see more genius life hacks from the Reddit community below.
1. One trip is all it takes!
How irritating is it when you have to make three or four trips back and forth from the car to bring your groceries in? Well, with this hack, you only need to make one!

2. Looks pretty comfy to be honest.

3. Genius!
I'm not entirely sure how this works. But, hey, it looks secure!

4. This is assuming the thief isn't thirsty... Just saying.

5. The best kind of fort!
I don't know about you, but I built forts like these all the time as a kid. With a little bit of imagination, you can create pretty much anything!

6. This is actually so helpful!
How often have you gone on a trip, gone to unpack your back, and there is shampoo, shaving cream, body wash, etc., all over your things? Well, that won't happen anymore with this hack!

7. A space saver.
Life during a pandemic doesn't have to be complicated. This is a genius idea for any handbag or glove box.

8. This seems like a lot of effort.

9. I mean... sure!

10. What kid wouldn't love this?

11. Protection.

12. A game changer.
How did I never know about this? Brilliant!

13. Cool!

14. Too much free time at work?

15. Happy Halloween!

Well, I hope you've been taking notes - I know I have! After all, life is stressful these days, so who couldn't use some tips and tricks to make things easier?
And life hacks don't need to be complicated. I mean, just look at the gaming chair above or the hairpin on the toothpaste trick!
These easy-peasy hacks can simplify our lives and save us precious time. Life is so hectic that even saving a few minutes per day can be valuable, right?
Do you have any ideas for life hacks that haven't already been mentioned? Please feel free to share them in the comments section below.
