35 People Share The Craziest Home Designs They've Seen
Home Shaming Facebook group gems.
"De gustibus non est disputandum", or "de gustibus non disputandum est," is a Latin proverb meaning "In matters of taste, there can be no disputes."
It basically means that people have different tastes, and not everyone likes the same things. This applies to clothes, food, interior and exterior home decoration, etc.
And boy, do we have an article that proves this proverb is so right. Today, we are going to talk about homes.
Better yet, we are going to show you photos...Even though your house is your castle, poor design and decorating decisions can still affect you.
The wildly popular Facebook group "That's it, I'm home shaming" steps in to help with this. The 480k-strong group, which was Rhiannon Pfeiffer's idea, lovingly mocks the interiors and exteriors of ugliness they've seen that haunt them in their dreams.
Everything is done in good humor for entertainment and to raise a little awareness of aesthetics. We have selected 35 of the craziest home designs, and we know you are going to love them.
Hopefully, not enough to use them as inspiration. Take a look and see what we mean.
Oh, even though it is mostly wrong, in this case, we can say- it's okay to judge.
1. "I Can't House Shame This Because I Love It, Even Though I Don't Want To Live Next Door To It"
Deb Robieson Kirby
2. "This Person Made The Back Of The Garage Look Like A Tiny House. It Makes Us Laugh Every Time We Drive By"
Patricia Mauldin
3. "Corn Counter"
Amanda Wall
4. "That Backyard Is Quite A Beautiful View"
Karey Lape
5. "12-Story Private Home"
Dawn Kelley
6. "Don't Know If It's Been Posted Yet But.... Pflugerville Texas Represent!!!"
Joe Linguine
7. Well, it's colorful...
Jessica Lee
8. "This Is Just..."
Jayda Penland
9. "This Is In A Community In Ransom Canyon, Outside Of Lubbock Texas. Not Really Shaming But It’s Completely Crazy And Interesting And I Don’t Think Living There Is Really An Option. Ot Was Unfinished Forever After The Owner Passed, It Is Now Going To Be A Vrbo. It Was Designed By Metal Sculptor Robert Bruno."
Christina Bentley Woody
10. "This Is In An Upstairs Of A House Listed In My Area. What?! Why?!"
Sarah Kotsovolos
11. "Whats Your Opinion On This UFO Homes In Albuquerque Nm?"
Martín OA
12. Is A Yes And No
Estrella Castra
13. "In Our Home Search….i Have Seen Some Odd Things…. But I Have Looked At This Photo A Hundred Times…. And Still Cannot Figure Out Why In The Heck… Would A Bathtub Not Only Be In The Living Room…. But At The Bottom Of The Stairs."
Stacy Morris
14. "This Is The "After" She Got Done Redecorating"
Lara Carroll
15. "I Was Looking At Airbnb’s And I Found This Gem"
Sage Forholt
16. "What About This Mid Century Toilet In The Home?"
Mylene Hui Davis
17. Wow
Lara Carroll
18. "I'm Not Sure If It Was The Face On The Toilet Tank That Put It Over The Top, Or What..."
Lara Carroll
19."I Have So Many Questions About What’s Up With This Basement In Pickens Sc…"
Shannon Noel Halliday
20. "Was Looking Through Listings When I Came Upon This"
Heidi JM
21. "I Assume A Business Not A House. But Ya Never Know"
Aiyana Lutkiewicz
22. "Could Be Worse"
Estrella Castra
23. "1 Bedroom 1 Bath 18 Car Garage. Perfect Design"
Layne Kvall
24. "1300€ Per Month And I Have No Idea How To Open The Toilet Lid"
Mona Walther
25. "I Feel Like This Remodeled Kitchen/Eat In Area Is Missing A Stripper Pole"
Lara Carroll
26. "Can’t Tell If This Is A Very Efficient Use Of Space Or Just, You Know, Worthy Of Being Shamed"
Jordan Grassi
27. "My House Hunt Found This Beauty"
Anabelle Martin
28. "Yes Or No?"
Laura Olszewski
29. "Spider-Man: “How’d That Get In There..?”"
Cameron Shepherd
30. "On Zillow In Northwest Indiana. I Got Nothin"
Mary Bradford
31. "No, This Is Not An 8 Year Old Bedroom, This Is A Grown Woman's Dining Room. She Wanted To Know What Color Rug She Should Get"
Lara Carroll
32. "This Is An Average Split Level About 2,000 Sq Ft. This Is The Living Room. I'm Not Sure What Its Purpose Is"
Lara Carroll
33. "I’m Home Shaming A Place We Just Bought. I Present The Coca Cola Bathroom. The Floor Is Also Just Wood Boards Glued Directly To The Concrete. It’s…a Look. Nothing In The Rest Of The House Even Remotely Resembles This. It’s Truly An Oddity"
Katie Mae Carstens
34. "Yikes"
Madison Niles
35. "These Homes Are A Huge A Shame... Can You Imagine If You Bought One Of These, Thinking It Was Going To Be A Fabulous Area! They Do Look Haunted. Apparently This Was A Billion Dollar Project Near Branson, Mo, That Ended Up Being Abandoned"
Debbie White
Decorating a home is a challenge, but there are ways to play it safe. Bright and dark colors should be utilized sparingly and with caution because the majority of consumers prefer sophisticated neutral décor.
White interior walls and engineered wood floors are always a good choice, professional designers say. And it is true.
But, where is the fun in playing it safe?