Waiters And Waitresses Share The Most Ridiculous Orders Customers Ever Placed

In world full of uncertainty, you can be sure of one thing; as long as restaurants are open, people will place extremely complex orders.

  • Published in Funny
Waiters And Waitresses Share The Most Ridiculous Orders Customers Ever Placed

In world full of uncertainty, you can be sure of one thing; As long as restaurants are open, people will place extremely complex orders.

If you've ever worked in the service industry you would have 1000 stories of difficult customer and the rise of the 'Karen' or 'Boomer' has absolutely ensured that customers will yell, scream and demand obscenely difficult things from wait-staff until the end of time. It's just the truth.

Recently, on Reddit, someone asked, "Waiters of Reddit, what's the most ridiculous order someone's placed and how did you deal with it?". The answers came in FAST, like for real, wait-staff DO NOT hold back!

Check out best 25 below, and if you're in the service industry, share this with your waiter/waitress friends. You KNOW they'll relate.

Here was the original question posted on Reddit

Here was the original question posted on Reddit Reddit

Annnnd so began the answers. Get the popcorn ready!

Annnnd so began the answers. Get the popcorn ready! Reddit

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