50 Of The Craziest Car Modifications That Will Leave You Asking “Why?”

Stupidity on wheels - one might say...

  • Published in Funny
50 Of The Craziest Car Modifications That Will Leave You Asking “Why?”

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And the stuff we've prepared for you is the best proof.

You can tell a lot about a person not only by their shoes but also by their car. After all, there are so many choices — some people prefer used ones, others opt for shiny autos rolled straight out of the dealership.

But there's a whole other category of enthusiasts who want their ride to stand out so much they choose to make the most bizarre improvements money could buy. And there's an online group on Reddit dedicated to calling them out.

Members of this community are on a mission to share pictures of terrible car modifications that show what stupidity on wheels really looks like. While we can agree that taste is subjective, some of these rides would have been better off the road.

We have collected some crazy photographs from this subreddit for you to enjoy, ranging from absolute rubbish to vehicles stuck in the plot of the first Fast and Furious movie. You might even see some of them in some Mad Max sequel.

They would fit in perfectly. So, take a look at the 50 of the craziest car modification; they will leave you speechless.

1. "Does This Belong Here?"

1. DesPaSooTi

2. "Lightning Mcmeth"

2. Aschynt

3. "It Looks Like Wall-E's Grandfather"

3. LordStigness

4. "Found On Craigslist. This One Kinda Rules, Actually"

4. shrampo

5. "Gotta Love Grandma"

5. onewheeler2

6. "Today Was My Last Day At Work And This Is What Greeted Me In The Car Park. I Work In Automotive Engineering"

6. Chili-Rush

7. "Who You Callin Pinhead"

7. cheftmfrosty

8. "I Have A Hard Time Calling This S**tty Because It's Done So Well"

8. natteulven

9. "The Car We All Drew In Kindergarten"


10. "Leather Seats"

10. ServerZero

11. "Lets Get This Bread"

11. Tp_potato

12. "Pretty Much Just Sums Up This Sub"

12. ThickAirBalloons

13. "Headlights Before Electricity Was Discovered"

13. jornadaa

14. "Overcompensating Much?"

14. G1prime

15. "Airbag Mod"

15. reddit.com

16. "Sliiiiiiiiide To The Left Take It Back Now Y'all"

16. ShoeLayce17

17." Let Me Introduce You To The Fordfordfordfordford F150f150f150f150"


18. "Sorry, I Can't Go Out With You Tomorrow. I Have To Mow My Van"

18. RedBanana99

19. "This Window Tint"

19. jaycinade

20. "If You Gonna Do, Do It Properly"

20. reddit.com

21. Silent Killer MkII

21. Silent Killer MkIIsickofyoursh*thun

22. "Basketball Taillight"

22. c0decat

23. "That’s Pretty Accurate"

23. LorenzoHD

24. "Idk, I Think It’s Kinda Genius"

24. timwang6

25. "This Just Popped Up On The Fb Marketplace"

25. SxE_Harry

26. "How Is This Even Legal?"

26. GiddieOutMyWay

27. "How Long Till They Go Flat?"

27. primter

28. "I Bet It Comes In Handy"

28. aiden66

29. "Literally Why"

29. _peglegjeg_

30. "This Absolute Monstrosity I Saw At The Hospital"

30. ChiKrew

31. "My County Is A Treasure Trove Of Sh**ty Car Mods And Of Course I Honked"

31. fuqurmouf

32. "I Bet This Things Has Never Been Offroad"

32. K0EN1G5EGG

33. "San Francisco Studio Apartment, Only $3k Per Month!"

33. shefoundnow

34. "If You Thought The Outside Was Bad"

34. FatFreddysCoat

35. "What. Is. This"

35. CrazyGamerHD1213

36. " Don't Think You Can Get Any Lower...."

36. acemccrank

37. "If I Crash Into It, Do I Get Invincibility And Super Speed?"

37. xjustinkase

38. "Throwback To The Old Top Gear Days"

38. DandelionGaming

39. "This Fake Rusted Mercedes"

39. lnvaderZim

40. "A Whole Gas Station Of S***ty Car Mods"

40. WienerSchnitzel01

41. "Great News"

41. me_grimmlock

42. "If It's Stupid But Works, It Ain't Stupid"

42. RiCriostoir

43. "GF Thinks My Car Belongs Here"

43. theitguy52

44. "Backseat Drivers Wet Dream"

44. Snowjoggs

45. "I Think We Can All Agree That Stance Builds Like These Are Incredibly Stupid"

45. drifkingg

46. "That Poor Door Hinge"

46. kidvange

47. "There’s More Dumb Crap But This Is My Favorite Part"

47. jvaughn24

48. "This May Be The Stupidest Thing I've Ever Seen"

48. Ehvin21

49. "We Have A Winner"

49. SickZX6R

50. "The Garbage You See In Memphis"

50. salhbanat

Car modification is some sort of art. And you know that most of the artists go entirely unnoticed and unacknowledged.

We kind of predict the same faith for these “artists.” But, of course, there is always a possibility that they might have a bender fender with some conceptual art critic and that they will love their masterpiece and make them famous.

Maybe that’s their plan. Sounds ridiculous?

Ridiculous like these cars?
